
How on earth did I miss Tim Riggins' turn as an abercrombie model? (Probably because I'm old, and Tim Riggins was in 5th grade when I was Abercrombie age.) And also, the header- sigh.... My 17 year old self desperately wants to be making out with him on a beach somewhere. He's dreamy.

I have the same problem. I also think I'm skinnier than I am. But you're right, it could be way worse. At least we walk around, projecting confidence, feeling good most of the time. The occasional jarring fb photo or plate glass window is a small price to pay for generally thinking you're pretty awesome.

Damnit, I'm too old for it, and it will probably look like hell on me, but I love whimsy and I want those tulle skirts!!

I love this. I miss Kitty Foreman.

He made me feel that my family is inferior because we don't have talent shows or crossword puzzle races. Damn you, Steve Carell!!

What wedding couldn't use more harlequin clowns? Although I guess that's really more "The Night Circus" than Parisian carnival.

I was the same way. It hit me hard, and I just thought it was beautiful and poignant and perfect. And my son is named Mason, so it made my emotional attachment to the movie that much stronger. I only teared up a little during the movie, but then the DVD went back to the home screen and it showed stills from the movie

My friends and I liked to try to sell stuff to passers by. Like a lemonade stand, but we rarely had lemonade. Once we tried to sell cups of dirty rainwater from the ditch. Another time we raided my friend's older sister's room, stole all the stuff he decided she didn't need, and tried to sell it. I think we actually

Hell yeah on the shirt-kini. But I'm about a decade older than you, so I was being Daisy Duke when I rocked the shirt-kini. It was extra classy when I paired it with my candy cigarettes.

I was a Reader's Digest junkie too! I still remember several stories clearly from when I was 7 or 8 because I would read an issue over and over until the next one arrived. I still pick it up occasionally at the grocery store. My friends make fun of me.

She is an Amazon who grew up on Paradise Island. I know this because my twin boys are currently requesting the I Can Read book "I Am Wonder Woman" as their bedtime book. Every. Single. Night. I am well versed on Diana's backstory.

They look like two freshman on their way home from marching band practice. By the way, which one's Binx?

This made me laugh even harder than the spider playing the bongos. I needed that.

I thought it looked like he was trying to hold her up as she was doing the "drunk girl falling off the bed" thing.

Those idyllic commercials are what makes me keep trying. Craft projects, baking projects, all of it. Despite my rational mind knowing that it's not going to end well, I just keep thinking "maybe this time....." Honestly, I ought to just step back and let them do what they're best at- chasing each other in the backyard

I'd send you a video of me making pizza with my kids, but it definitely wouldn't make you cry. You'd see them fighting over cheese, me repeatedly saying, "no, stop, wait! Don't touch that! Stop hitting your brother! STOP!!" Two of them woukd get in a fight, one would start crying, then I'd give up and order them out

The last time I watched that show, Puck was a cast member. I'd google it to see how long ago that was, but I think the answer would depress me.

If you haven't listened to them sing Hard Times Come Again No More, you should do it immediately. I adore those girls.

That was his rabbit dad. But to be fair, the mom was probably insufferable too.

White satin ballet slippers. I was going for straight up comfort, and I knew nobody was ever going to see them. Honestly, I would have worn flip flops, but these seemed better for dancing. I knew if I had worn heels, I would have kicked them off the second the ceremony was over. So I didn't worry about the fact that