
The 90s were awesome. All fashion looks like hell 20 years later, but the 90s were an excellent time to be a teenager. And I am currently reliving 90s glory by watching 10 Things I Hate About You with Heath Ledger at his dreamiest.

I agree with your friend. Marriage is truly ebb and flow. And having a toddler is tough. I think having young kids can be really hard on a marriage. Little kids are an adorable sucking vortex of needs and demands. It sucks up all of your emotional energy, and doesn't leave much left for your partner. I know when my

True, but it would be amazing for a while. Plus, he was a great father figure for the little boy next door while he was banging the 30 year old mom. And when he's not cheating or fighting or breaking the law, he's so sweet....

That was my favorite part! Amber wound up with Jason Street after getting knocked up by Luke Cafferty. Too bad she didn't get any Tim Riggins.

I hung out with Jack McBrayer over Christmas. We're from the same hometown and were back for the holidays, and our crew was at the same bar as him. He sat and talked with us for a while. Showed us pictures of his appartment. It was cool. My favorite was that he to,d me what the cast of The Middle was like in real

Nope, because trendy slacktivism enrages me. I also won't tell you the color of my bra or douse myself in ice water.

I agree, Feria is good stuff. I've been using it for years and it always turns out well.

when I was 7, I cut off an annoying chunk of hair that was hanging in my face. Cut it to the scalp, right in front. It took forever to grow out and I had this weird rooster-comb looking cowlick for months. My mother was thrilled.

I wanted to shave my legs when I was four. Obviously my mother said no way in hell. So during my next bath, I used her razor and proceeded to shave my little legs with no shaving cream, soap, anything. Just dry razor over my skin. My mother figured out what I'd done when the horrible razor burn appeared.

I think you have nice eyebrows- they have a good, natural looking arch. And that may be the weirdest compliment I've ever given.

My mom actually had one of those things in the 80s. I only saw her use as directed (don't want to know if she used it otherwise), but that was creepy enough. Dad would be like, "where's Mom?" "Oh, she's upstairs hanging herself on the closet door.."

Taylor Kitsch or Tim Riggins? There's a huge difference. Taylor Kitsch- I can take him or leave him. But Tim Riggins- there is never, ever a time that I wouldn't be all over that.

I have a picture from when my twins were babies of our couch, completely covered in baby laundry. The entire thing covered in folded stacks of tiny onesies, itty bitty pants, socks, bibs- I swear to God there were at least 75 tiny items in a single load of laundry. I do not miss those days.

My twins have recently become obssessed with Batman and Robin and want to watch it every day. Damn you, Netflix! Thou giveth and thou taketh away. If I have to buy that shit on Amazon...

I recently realized that people are still mad at Jane Fonda when I saw a man that was at least 70 years old driving around with a bumper sticker that read, "Jane Fonda is a Bitch." That was the only bumper sticker on the car, so he obviously felt strongly about it.

"Brave little toaster" is my new favorite expression and I am totally stealing it.

I definitely think you should marry a friend. 3boysdad and I have known each other since 6th grade and were friends for a few years before we ever started dating, and it has made for a great marriage. I mean, you should definitely be attracted to them- only marry friends that you would like to have sex with regularly.

This is why Dazed and Confused is my favorite movie of all time. Well, that and the fact that I used to be a huge stoner.

I can confirm that unless you're really into vaginal dermabrasion, beach sex is not fun.

I'm so sorry. I have been there, and it's the fucking worst. I hope they get better quickly, but mostly, I hope YOU get better soon.