
Sweet Pea by Amos Lee. It's perfect for a traveler. And good call on the Brett Dennen. He's one of my favorites and I finally got to see him last spring.

I hope so. I watched it a couple if nights ago, and it immediately became part of my top ten favorite movies of all time.

I hope so too. I saw it the other night and immediately put it in my top ten of all time favorite movies.

I adore my mirena. It hurt like hell, and after the first one, I got flu-like sick, fever and all, for two days. But it was well worth it because I haven't had a period or a baby in almost seven years.

No little kids were invited to my wedding other than the flower girl. One friend did bring her uninvited baby, but took her outside the minute she started to get noisy, so it was fine. There were several young ladies that were invited with their families, but no one under 10 made the guest list.

Put them in the wedding as flower girls or ring bearers or junior bridesmaids and don't invite any other kids. Or invite them and don't invite other kids because it's your wedding and you get to do what you want!

Yup, and I'll bet a significant percentage of the stories that follow that pattern are total horseshit. If you're going to make something up, at least go for something that seems more plausible than laundry detergent brownies.

What is that from? Is that the story about the guy being a dick to an asshole kid at Burger King? And if it is, I am reading waaaaaaay too much Jezebel.

I find this one suspect as well. Laundry detergent has a strong scent- there's no way you could confuse it with vegetable oil. Even the unscented kind has enough smell that you'd quickly realize it. Not to mention detergent bottles in no way resemble bottles of vegetable oil. And as someone already pointed out, you

I had to give my pin back as well. Part of the "de-sistering" process. My parents were thrilled about that....

It is no doubt, briefly awkward. But you know, just keeping on staring at the ceiling and replying to the polite conversation ( if your doctor is the chatty type). It's over fast, and it doesn't hurt, and the relief that you feel at the end knowing everything is fine is worth the awkward.

You must have contributed far more to your sorority than I did. Mine did not try to stop me from leaving. They probably missed my dues, but I think they were perfectly happy to see me go.

I quit my sorority after a year. I learned quite quickly after joining that I didn't particularly like sorority sisters, or sorority meetings, or socials, or much of anything. What I did like was hanging out with my non-Greek friends and getting stoned. But I stuck it out for a while because I didn't want to

My whole family, parents, in-laws, sisters, aunt and uncle, pretty much the whole crew, comes over for a New Year's luck and money lunch. I make ham, black-eyed peas, collard greens, Mac and cheese, cornbread, and banana pudding, and bloody Mary's . We eat ourselves stupid, then after everyone leaves, I crash on the

Rang in 2000 having couch sex with my college boyfriend. My husband (obviously, we had not started dating at this point) spent the evening at his Grandma's with his family because his parents were convinced there would be mass mayhem at midnight. Hahahaha, poor guy.

Have a bunch of kids- you'll never have to worry about going out on New Year's again. Everybody knows a babysitter is impossible to find on NYE. I've been in pajamas, drinking champagne on the couch by 8pm for over a decade. It's glorious.

Have you seen the movie But I'm a Cheerleader with Natasha Lyonne? Similar situation, equally funny.

My second year teaching, my principal asked me to take one of my students home after she missed the bus. What the hell do you do in a situation like that? My superior was telling me to do something that we both knew was completely against school policy, but I was scared to death to tell my boss no. I took her home,

Oh, thank God. I'm glad I didn't lose a decade. I'm planning on using that one to become rich, skinny, gorgeous, and outrageously successful!

Not to minimize the suckiness of your story, because ugh, that sucks. But how are you 45? I was 17 in 1996 as well, and I'm 36. Your dates just stood out to me, and I'm wondering if I've somehow missed a decade and am actually in my mid-40s.