
I am so sorry.

Thanks, y'all. She was a good old girl. And I'll get past my discomfort at my vet seeing me in such a raw, emotional moment. I know he gets it. My husband said our vet had tears in his eyes too. I, of course, couldn't actually look at anyone or communicate with anything other than grunts and shrugs because actual

If it's an area that's experiencing growth or a surge in popularity, the median price difference might not matter as much. But if it's in an area that isn't likely to see property values rise, it might be tough to make any money when you're ready to sell. We bought our house at the height of the market, and while

The only thing you can't change eventually is its location. If there's more that you love than hate, it's the house for you. They say you never want to have the most expensive house on the block, and that's something to consider if you plan to sell within a few years.

I had to put my 15 year old dog to sleep this week. Then I had to tell my kids the dog they'd had their entire life was dead. It sucked even more than I knew it would. And I'm not sure I can ever face my wonderful, kind, compassionate vet again because he saw me lying on my living room floor, draped over my dead dog,

We picked it because it was the least disgusting, most updated one in our price range. And yes to the crippling financial fears. I had to take a Xanax the night we moved in because I was sure we'd made a horrible decision that would bankrupt us. Seven years later and we still haven't lost the house!

Totally valid.

Eh, I don't consider this child abuse. A dick move for sure, but not on the same scale as beating kids.

The Principal in Ferris Bueller was convicted of either child moleststion or child pornography. No idea about Alf.

Mariah Carey apparently has a Christmas book for kids titled Roc and Roe's 12 Days of Christmas. It was featured prominently at my kids' school book fair. I felt horribly disappointed in Scholastic.

Good lord, it's just a dress! A dress that you will wear one time!! True, it's a special dress, and there will be lots of pictures, but still. Wedding dresses are pretty indistinguishable unless they're really spectacularly awful. I think y'all are making it much harder than it needs to be.

I've always loved Shel Silverstein as a poet and childrens' book author. Then a few years ago we discovered his song "Quaaludes Again," and my love increased tenfold. It was shocking and hilarious- like finding out your grandma smokes pot or something.

Maurice's? I'm not sure, but it was pretty much the exact same store. That was the only "cool" store in the farm town where I went to college, and I spent every penny that I didn't use for weed buying baseball tees, ringer tees, and platforms.

The circumference of the bottom of my late 90s JNCO rave jeans were literally bigger around than I am tall. That's sounds way more impressive than it actually is because I'm super short, but still, they were ridiculous.

I had someone tell me this very same thing last week. Either she did a tour of schools, and I totally missed out because my school was LAME, or you and I were volunteering at the elementary school book fair together.

I can't sew, but I could do some home furnishings. I once built a Barbie apartment complex out of big cardboard storage boxes. And you know those little plastic table things Pizza Hut used to put in the middle of the pizza? Barbie had more end tables than she knew what to do with! I loved Barbie.

I was meant to read this in Julia Sugarbaker's voice, right?

I'm just glad to see the mermaid dress appears to be on its way out. I think that's going to be the one that people look back on in 20 years and think, "why??" (No offense intended to mermaid dress fans. To each her own. )

Hmmmmm, that sounds lovely. I'm shunning pumpkin this year in protest of the ridiculous overuse of pumpkin spice flavored/scented everything this fall. But id like to try your idea as an orange mascarpone cheesecake with ginger snap crust and topped with a cranberry compote. Thanks for the inspiration!

I am, at this exact moment, facebook chatting with my college boyfriend to whom I lost my virginity. It's strange and a little sad. He's a mess- and we're close to 40. I figure if he's not got his shit together by now, he probably never will.