
It just brought us closer- united against a common enemy.

I honestly thought that the house was creepier than the dolls. The empty classrooms seemed really eerie.

For me, it's kind of a toss up between Wait Till Helen Comes and Locked in Time. But I think I have to give it to Wait Till Helen Comes. I was 10 when I read it, and I couldn't sleep without a light on for several days.

I have a slight obsession with miniatures. I have a dollhouse, and I love to make little dollhouse rooms and whatnot, but I never, EVER put dolls in them because of this book. I know they will inevitably move around and create terrifying scenes and I have no interest in that.

Huh, yeah. And I normally don't find him attractive. I'll be damned.

The mere description of Kirsten Dunst freestyle rapping fills me with secondhand embarrassment.

I just took an ambien and then ate a shit ton of potato salad. and now I want more. Fucking ambien munchies.

immediately! I was pregnant within a week the first time. Pregnant in two weeks second time around- and that time was twins!

Can you give it some time? If you have all that other stuff working for you, there's a lot worth saving. Relationships go through rough patches. Really bad, no sex, can't even stand to look at his stupid face patches. But the more time you spend together, the more you notice the things you love about them, and the

I delivered 2 lb. twins nine weeks early. And one of them couldnt breathe. And three hours later I tried desperately to hold my eyes open in my drugged, post c-section state, as they wheeled me up to the NICU for the neonatologist to tell me he wasn't sure that one of my babies would live through the night. He did,

Clair Huxtable, Julia Sugarbaker, and Tami Taylor are my idols.

We went to Disney a couple of years ago with the in-laws. My FIL kept talking about how we had to go on the Maelstrom, because a guy in his office said it was so cool. I told him that I didn't remember it being particularly impressive, but he was adamant. So we waited in line for an hour. For the Maelstrom. I'm pretty

Girl, please, a southern accent is charming! I can't imagine trying to lose mine. (And obviously, that should be pronounced, "Ah can't imagine tryin' ta lose mahn.") I say rock that drawl and don't give a rat's ass about anyone that thinks a Southern accent = stupid.

Pepper was always my favorite.

Please don't drink all of the gin! Save me a little!!!

Love number 1! I always wanted to do a girl's nursery. Have fun!!

Best John Cusack kiss is ever is in The Journey of Natty Gann. That brief, perfect kiss right before he gets on the train made me swoon when I was 10, and still does 26 years later.

I don't do the twitter because I'm old and don't understand it, but I wish you the best. I hope to stumble across your byline in the future and exclaim, "oh my god! Lindy West! I love her!"

Well, damn. You're my favorite. I hate to see you go.