
If you put an obscene amount of cheese on my sandwich, I'd probably assume you wanted to be BFFs for life.

Still better than the guy that spent 20k to look like Justin Bieber and came away looking like the Joker. Now that was a face that would haunt your nightmares!

I want to kick her in her smug, prissy face. I'll bet Jesus rolls his eyes when He hears her talk.

My kids ate packets of crackers and orange cheese-ish goo yesterday for snack. I know, I know, it's shameful. But I cook real food every night for dinner and it always includes vegetables! Plus, I don't think you can actually grow up in America without a little cheez in your diet.

This makes me realize that I have Wes Anderson palettes in every room of my house (except my lame kids' rooms). This pleases me greatly.

Walmart has Dunkaroos. Just in case you ever have future Dunkaroo needs.

Glad we're not the only ones. In fact, as soon as I saw this article I told my husband, "oh no, ke-dollar sign-ha is dropping the dollar sign from her name!"

It was good until the last 30 minutes or so when it dragged on interminably. Of course, I have the attention span of the dog from Up, so that could be part of the problem.

It's true. Martha's a classy gal. She came out of prison looking elegant- that takes talent.

I had a far-right friend post on facebook that buying girl scout cookies was basically like funding abortions. I almost unfriended, but decided to keep her around to hear what gems she comes up with next.

Damn, I was going to buy that t-shirt for my husband, but that sucker's 30 bucks!!! I love that movie more than any other, and can quote entire scenes, but I still won't pay $30 for a t-shirt.

I'm with you. I think Jennifer Lawrence genuinely seems like a cool girl. I love how Jezebel couldn't fawn over her enough last year, then apparently decided she wasn't so great anymore, and now it's J-law snark all the time. So how long does Lupita have before everyone decides they're over her? Who's next on the cool

Maybe it's a Georgia thing? I've spent my entire life here and have eaten a wide variety of congealed salads. I have a church cookbook with a recipe for Snickers Salad. It's cut up snickers, apple slices and cool whip, and is listed unironically in the salad section. I shit you not.

I grew up eating "pear salad." It was half a canned pear with a dollop of mayonnaise on top, sprinkled with shredded cheddar. And I thought it was delicious. I obviously had terrible taste as a kid.

I don't love Haddie either, but I'm glad she's coming back simply because it was so weird that they never mentioned her. And Max annoys me, so I'd rather see them focus on another kid. (Not hating on Aspergers, just the way Adam and Kristina deal with it.) And where is Nora half the time? I keep forgetting they have

The weird, bumpy plastic iridescent top? Didn't even matter. That was the most fabulous Barbie outfit of all time. And I had an entire camp trunk full of Barbie stuff, so that's saying something.

This is my new favorite emoticon ever. How do you do the smile? I will use this far more than I should.

That guy is such a douche. The mom has only seen the baby 10 times since she had to turn him over to Bode Miller. And even though the baby's name is Sam, Miller calls him Nate. WTF kind of douchebaggery is that?

I thought I was going to love it. Everything about it pointed to it being awesome, and everyone thought it was so great. Imagine my disappointment when I kept watching it, wondering when it got awesome, and it it never did. The music was good though.

Well, he's trying to be anyway.