
It's traditional to have an engagement photo that is featured with the engagement announcement in the bride's hometown newspaper (at least, it's traditional in the South.) But the whole engagement photo session nonsense is the spawn of Pinterest and Bride's magazine.

I love every single one of you. And now I want to watch Mallrats.

I live here, and I'm dying to know who these guys are. Like, what if it's my dentist? Or the pediatrician? Or a friend's husband? Weird...

My love of Tim Riggins knows no bounds, but I'm very "meh" about Taylor Kitsch in general.

Years ago, our dog ate an 8th that we had carelessly left out. She threw up and passed out on her back in the monkey grass, but she was ultimately fine. We were a lot more careful about putting our stuff away after that little incident.

You know they have a kids' tv show? It's pretty funny- The Aquabats Supershow. I'm pretty sure it's still streaming on Netflix. My kids love it. It reminds me of 90s stoner comedies without the weed.

I'm in North Georgia and all our schools are closed tomorrow. We just aren't equipped to deal with 7* and a -10* windchill. And I am very excited at the prospect of sleeping in and all of us staying in our cozy jammies all day.

I like Auld Lang Syne. I drunkenly made my husband do a little midnight youtube surfing to find a version that was beautiful and appropriately reflective. (It's Susan Boyle, BTW, with Lea Michelle as a close second. But stay away from Straight, No Chaser, they make it too poppy.)

It makes me sad. Dean's a douche, but Tori is so damn endearing. And I'm saying this as a fan who watched Inn Love, Home Sweet Hollywood, and read Uncharted TerriTORI (which was terrible, yet charming.) I just want her to be happy and have the loving family she so desperately wants.

I wanted to name one of my boys Tucker, but I refrained since I knew the name game would get awkward later in life. And Porter? What's wrong with Porter? I love that name. Reminds of Ferrol Sams.

My twins were spazzy babies and they couldn't clap. They'd try to bring their hands together, but they'd just miss. We used to call that "shortbus." And we had them trained like little seals. We'd say, "Shortbus!" and they'd start almost-clapping wildly, with big, stupid grins on their faces. Awesome party trick.

I hate letting my kids play with play-doh. Not because it's messy and little crumbs get all over the floor (though that's not pleasant either), but because they're color mixers. It gives me actual physical anxiety, and I just want to slow-motion run and dive on the table yelling, "Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!"

I got Molly in 1988 for my 10th birthday, and it is the only birthday gift I can clearly remember. I remember every dress I had (Molly's white, rick-rack trimmed birthday dress, Samantha's pink and white striped birthday dress with a white lace pinnafore, Samantha's blue and white window-pane check picnic dress with a

Do you remember the story on the back cover about how Pleasant Rowland discovered an old doll in a trunk in an attic, and that's what inspired American Girl? I thought that was the most magical story. Ever since, I've wanted to live in an old house with an attic full of treasures. Someday....

It's true. I'm going to change my name to Sexless McPrude and make it my mission in life to abolish public displays of the sex.

No. Come on, seriously? I don't want a tree full of vibrators on a main street. If they want to put it up in their store, I applaud their creativity, but I'm with the residents on this one.

Meh. I do all the cleaning at my house- often while my husband is napping or playing on his phone. He does other stuff, and he'll help me if I need it, so we're cool. (even though he doesn't dance with me in the kitchen.) I'll bet Lee and Morty are cool too. People do what works for them. No need to get worked up if

We know what happened to Landry. He moved to New Mexico, changed his name to Todd, became involved in his uncle's white supremacist group, and began working for Vamanos Pest. The rest is history.

I also like the fact that she's the only one not doing the ugly sweater/tacky Christmas thing.

3boysdad and I watched the Katy Perry documentary on Netflix the other night (don't judge), and I find it impossible to hate her. She's so damn sweet and endearing. And I'd totally fuck John Mayer. He may by sleazy, but he's hot.