
I have to admit, I'm far more curious about the reviews than I'd like to be.

Come on, people, these are not "apron dresses." They are called pinafores, and I adored them. I'm pretty sure every dress I had between 1979 and 1986 had a pinafore, and they looked fabulous with my barrettes with the streamers.

I hate Jessie/Ant Farm/Shake It Up/Austin and Ally with a fierce passion. I can actually feel my blood pressure drop and my brain sigh with relief when I turn that grating, insipid shit off. But if I had to choose between that or Caillou, Disney wins every time. I'm so grateful my children are past the stage of

Was it "Life After People"? That show was scary as hell. Watch the Vegas one. The videos playing on endless loops in the abandoned hotels really weirded me out.

Really??? Because mine's got a bunch of free floating goldfish crackers, an action figure or two, a linty stick of gum, and wad of grocery store/target/walmart reciepts.

Dazed and Confused will always be awesome. I don't care if my grandmother starts smoking weed, that movie will always be excellent.

Been there.

Matthew McConaughey in Trisha Yearwood's "Walkaway Joe" video. He was so good looking that it literally made my chest hurt.

I loves me some Fun. Going to see them next week- on a school night and everything. I'll be the one in the mom jeans out past her bedtime. And perhaps the only attendee who can drink legally.

You obviously didn't make it through all 18 pages, because the tightie whities are there- starting bid, $250. I personally am struggling with the decision of which shiv to bid on. Spoon shiv or rusty shiv???? Both make such a fashionable home accessory.

My immediate reaction was, "Hmmm, I didn't realize Miss Sorority Cunt Punt was in law school..."

Serious question, where do you even buy weed when you're in your 30s??? 3boysdad and I have pretty much given it up because we don't know where to buy it. All the old reliable sources moved away, moved along or got arrested, and it's not exactly something you can freely ask about. Not really a sanctioned topic of

I read this yesterday, and I think she's making a valid point. This is directed at middle school age girls, 11 and 12 years old, and she's telling them not to overly-sexualize themselves in pictures that will be around forever. How is that wrong or pearl-clutchie? I think it's pretty sound advice myself.

I won't let my kids watch Fred when I'm in the room because it's just too horrible- like fingernails on a chalkboard. But this is pretty freakin' adorable.

Didn't you know well enough not to suck a couple of random dicks in front of a crowd when you were 17? I certainly did.

She'll always be Donna to me. But honestly, after the whole Donna/Eric breakup, I could totally see her leaving Wisconsin, having some hot girl action, and becoming a top dog in an international drug ring. Donna was always way too cool for Point Place.

The guy that owns the company has a daughter named Justice. (My best friend works there and shared that random little factoid.)

That whole needle in the movie theater seats thing? It's sort of true. And I'm lucky enough to live in what appears to be the only place this has ever actually happened. Yay, Georgia! http://onlineathens.com/stories/100305…

Yeah, he was goofy looking at first. But by season 4- damn!

When I was in college, Sigma Nu had "hell week," but it was all fairly innocent and funny- nothing that would send anyone to the hospital. And I loved those guys. I had some fuuuuuun times at the Sigma Nu house. God, I miss the late 90's...