
If you can look at Peter Facinelli and not say, "Somebody called me fag," then you are a better person than I am.

Now playing

I can pinpoint the moment I fell madly in love with Matthew McConaughey. He was in a Trisha Yearwood video in the early 90s. (

Receipt: CVS

That and "pageant runoff" were the highlights of my entire day thus far.

Amen. I'm as Southern as you can get and I know, and have always known, that it's wrong to use racial slurs. Geography and stupidity do not go hand in hand.


Honestly, not one of those things is better than a good husband. A happy marriage to a good man is about the best thing in this world. But any one of those things is better than a bad husband.

You're not too old! I wear mine that way all the time in the summer and I'm 35. And sure, I might be too old, but I get compliments every time.

If you want to make peeling peaches easier, you have to blanch them. Stick them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then put them in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes. The skin will slide right off.

A 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water is the key to getting rid of pee smell. I have 3 little boys with questionable aim, and NOTHING kept our bathroom from smelling like a truckstop- even vinegar and bleach. But alcohol and water has been a life saver. I clean the toilet and all around the base and surrounding

I remember this story! It was in a book of Southern folklore that I loved when I was kid. I swear I didn't know anyone other than my sister and me that had ever heard it!

Me too!!! I don't mind the concept, but the term makes me want to vomit.

Just pray that one doesn't fly in your house. I thought Georgia's giant flying cockroaches were bad- until a cicada flew in the house. It's like the world's loudest flying cockroach. Completely horrifying.

I never thought I would ask this, but where is Mitt Romney's junk?

Noses can totally gain weight. My mom looked at me during church while I was pregnant with twins and exclaimed, "Oh my God, what's wrong with your nose?!" Even my Ob/Gyn laughed at me.

Know what's really sad? That guy has a college degree.

I'm so glad somebody else said this. I've been feeling the same way all day. Especially after reading the screen shots of hs stupid, completely normal twitter account. I can't get over the fact that before Monday, this was a kid any parent would be totally proud of. He's 19 and he's somebody's baby, and I feel sad and

I actually read n embarrassing number of these book. I freakin' loved the Satin Slipper series- made we want to run away to ballet school.

Oh, NKOTB, the years have not been kind. They're terrible- and OLD. It was like watching a bunch of dads at a neighborhood block party after they've had a few too many beers.

I've heard of her. In a related random factoid, I was her cousin's 7th grade teacher. Thrilling, right?