
LOL "employees." Hey I made my high school $500 in hot dog concessions when I played football, where's my paycheck?

Shut up.

But anything that helps dismantle this slave labor perpetuator I cheer for.

Idiots like this author who think that college athletes are these poor, underfed, slaves for the mean ol' NCAA are just as bad as SJWs or the people who thought Penn State got punished too hard for the Sandusky fiasco.

Things got better Friday for athletes, for competition, and for America.

So you'd commit a felony and spend 25 years-to life to have the guy on your team, but you wouldn't give up a first round draft choice?

But because he plays for the Bills, he's going to be a total failure and the Browns will have two top-5 draft picks next year, right gang?


Oh go to heck, you piece of garbage.

Fact 1: The term N***er is not a racial slur and honors African Americans


Having lived in Buffalo during the entire FitzMagic(TM) era, any team that is relying on Ryan Fitzpatrick to be anything more than an overpriced backup is a Goddamned fool.

Oh go to heck, you piece of garbage.

Cute dog though.

That's not nice. Jeter's a class act.

Anyone else want to try and convince me that college athletes are these innocent little expolitables who are sent to bed hungry each night by the mean old universities?

The same SiriusXM that fired Anthony Cumia for his racist comments?

If I have to see this asshole's face one more time on a racing site, I'm punching out my computer monitor. Enough already!!

So what's the big deal? Rice was just playing a game he loved.