
Agree with your take on RW's post game interview, but I still place the bulk of the guilt on Goodell and the owners for the scab refs being there in the first place.

I've disliked Russell Wilson ever since the 2012 Packers/Seahawks "Fail Mary" refereeing fiasco.

I recently moved to Madison, which is a great city in an otherwise shitty state.

Harvey is the rare transplant who's actually made his entertainment vehicle the best its ever been

Agree on all host assessments. Nothing can beat Dawson. Harvey mugs too much, and his teeth are mesmerizingly huge and white.

I've watched Family Feud since the early 80s when Richard Dawson was host, smooching all the ladies. He was, by far and away, the best host of this show. Not even close. Richard was smooth, dapper, always somewhat drunk, cracking jokes and throwing zingers. He did it without being gross and over the top like they are

"Name a body part, rhyming with venous, that might be seen hanging out of the passenger side window of a brand new, head turning, Ford Fusion"

Funny how 13% of USA ethnic population is always represented as 1 of the families on each show.

The fact that I feel about Steven Harvey, the same way Superman feels about Kryptonite...pretty much keeps me WAY out of this loop....

No comment on how their "euphemisms" are often dirtier than the word they're censoring? Like sometimes the answer will be penis and they "censor" that as "MY THROBBING MAN MEAT."

Agree with the first part, don't agree with the analogy. I don't want to watch a pitcher "hit," thanks.

I only thought Steve Harvey miming shock at something racy worked for like five episodes. My parents can't get enough of this when I visit them, and basically all I can do is try really hard to tolerate it for them. It's not bad, it's just the same show over and over. It wears out its welcome in a hurry for me.

No love for Ray Combs, Louie Anderson or John O'Hurley?* Because Richard Karn is to Family Feud as Woody Allen is to James Bond: the nephew everyone desperately tries to forget.

You talking about Family Feud or Deadspin now?

I'm sorry, but Steve Harvey as the host now pulls this game show into the same category as Jerry Springer is to "talk shows."

Steve Harvey and Richard Dawson are very similar, both sexist, misogynistic assholes. Except Dawson was funny and awesome and Harvey is fucking terrible.

hella good

The show might be great right now — I don't know, because I've seen maybe 5 minutes of Family Feud in the last 5 years — but let's not pretend anything with Steve Harvey in it is the best version of anything.

It was great when it first started, kinda like Jerry Springer. Now they try to too hard to get Facebook-worthy clips and they have become a caricature of themselves.

Fuck Steve Harvey.