
Oh go to hell, you piece of garbage.

"#USC QB Kody Kessler reluctant to take a selfie here at Pac-12 Media Days. Gotta think that's symbolic. He must not know the positive impact it could on his brand." -@darrenrovell

On a similar note, if you open a fried chicken restaurant, and your slogan isn't "You're in CLUCK!", I have no hope for you as a human being.

This kid's name is the Holy Grail of awful kids names dreamed by suburban parents.

Heaven forbid these ANGELS have to lift a finger for themselves!!! They come from such hardship!! That Eng 100 class sure is straining on their time!

The most sensible post on this page. But it's going to get drowned out by the "HURRRRR DURRRR SPORRRRRRRRRRTSSSH" circlejerk on here. I went to a D3 school and even the backup volleyball players thought their shit didn't stink. Why feed these egos anymore?

And they'll probably do a lot more good for humanity than some meathead whose greatest skills is putting a ball through a piece of netting.

Wah wah wahhh. You still get a free college degree without ever going to class and a slap on the wrist for any minor discipline infractions. There is no more entitled being alive(besides a suburban teenage girl) than a college "student"/athlete.

How do those of us without cable follow you and your competitors' shenanigans?

That bitch had it coming. Hope her and that whore who said Jameis Winston raped her die in an AIDS fire. SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've heard on and off things about the Terminal. It just needs money, and maybe then it will finally be stabalized again.


That's true. I forgot this is a sports blog. Rational discussion and realistic takes aren't the norm.

Seriously people, leave Buffalo alone. It's a fun city that's slowly but surely improving. Come visit sometime (And no not the suburbs).

The best person to talk to over there is Timothy Sabien. I had a complaint over a statement one of their personalities (Todd Whatley I believe) made about people having heart attacks and he took care of it right away!

Rich Vos is performing at Helium Buffalo August 7-9.

I was going to post something similar but you pretty much nailed it. Being good at throwing a ball does not give you an excuse to be a conceited d-bag, nor should you worshiped for it.

That'll never get published. Deadspin has an agenda with this amateur athlete BS. It'll never go away.

I had a similar experience in high school, only it was the band kids, none of whom had apparently ever received a negative review in their life.

I'm new to Buffalo. Can you tell me where Niagara Falls is?