
Hmm. My cat rarely meows but does those little purring chirping noises instead—”brrrt.”

But she probably shouldn't be allowed to drive or work in certain fields anymore if that is her reaction to her phobia...

/yeast infections

this is a compilation of sexual assault & domestic violence cases in hockey:

Secondary fun fact:

Exactly! I was getting a bit confused why we were being told about Love Actually as though none of us watches Game Of Thrones.

Nerd alert: He played Jojen Reed on Game of Thrones.

Candy corn is amazing.

Don't worry. They'll look great when you're 40. I've had middle-aged boobs all my life and once I hit forty, they finally made sense and are spectacular!

This hair is so bad. How can someone have so much money and so many fashion & beauty resources and such bad hair. Why.

That’s not an accident. Rape apologists love to claim stranger rape with significant physical injury is the only “legitimate” rape because it means they get to dismiss the vast, vast majority of rape victims as dumb sluts who got what they were asking for.

This is going to be triggery and maybe TMI but:

Rape victim here. I’m not being mocked by holding a rapist accountable for rape. If he had been charged with theft that would have been making a mockery of human decency.

I had the same discussion online with some idiot Chicago Blackhawks fans when Patrick Kane was accused of rape. I said it would be theft if she consented to sex and he just didn’t pay—although not enforceable as such because payment for sex (prostitutuon) is illegal. However, rape is rape—the definition doesn’t change

Well this is a story of my grandfather at a moment of great family sadness and pain.

get out

dan is the guy. sarcasm is the weakness.

I think you should take a deep breath and consider whether this piece, in which Deadspin calls for a league they manifestly enjoy mocking to create a commissioner position that is already filled by a person they also manifestly enjoy mocking, might not be, you know, as sincere as you’re giving it credit for being, my