Why not? Shit is CLEARLY all you have to offer.
Why not? Shit is CLEARLY all you have to offer.
“screech and yell”
Seriously, go fuck yourself.
“you people”
Go fuck yourself with that.
Gender has nothing to do with DNA, and it never has, and you know that, you fucking trash bag.
What the hell is wrong with you? How is that relevant? They’re in life-threatening danger and you’re taking issue with the timing of the comment? Nice heart you’ve got there, pal.
“Spirit animal”? Come on. Y’all know better than that.
General consensus amongst Seattleties is that the Seattle Times is trash.
Oh, fun, let’s perpetuate the ongoing erasure of Seattle’s Black communities.
“I misunderstood it, so it’s bad.”
It’s Mississippi, and it’s the USA. He will never, ever fauxpologize or pretend to backtrack. He will stand by these words proudly, as he knows there are no consequences and, indeed, white supremacy applauds him and will re-elect him.
Ooooh, your use of ableist hate speech and your refusal to care about oppression is so edgy. Oooooh.
I’ve read every response you’ve made in this thread, and your racist-ass apologism is revolting. I feel bad for any Black students you have.
Also: “I could have googled, but I decided I’d just demand some people of color do the work of educating me instead, since I’m already here.” Fuck off with that. Now and forever.
Fraught with what? With what is it fraught?
Nope. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood, not fatty diets. Anyone that eats too much meat, fish, sea animals, or organ meats is at risk of gout.
Proof or shut it.
Oh, you “have a feeling’. Well, that’s valid. Totally solid.
As someone who grew up there, fuck Irving. Fuck racist-ass shitfuck trashpile Irving. Fuck Texas and the US Injustice Department, too.
Dude, nobody’s acting like “she just handed the nuclear codes to Putin”. You need to see a doctor about your hyperbole problem.
Good riddance.
P.S. Please learn about proper capitalization.
*going as for AS TO CHANGE our history
*may HAVE not been right
*history (only capitalize if it’s at the beginning of a sentence or the name of a class)
*artifacts (apostrophes are not for pluralizing, ever)
*it’s (it is = it’s) to remember
*it’s history
*this was actually several years in time,…