
In all your loathsome shouting about science (or, as you use it, “science”, you forgot (or forgot to mention) one thing: correlation does not equal causation. Period.

You ignorant, ugly, posturing fuck. Ain’t no amount of time at the gym going to make you pretty on the inside, where it counts.

Best. This is best. You are best.

They are both acceptable and valid in the U.S., and you know it.

You don’t hate to pick nits, or you wouldn’t have done it, much less erroneously.

Good god, this is irritating.

Have you tried... scrolling? Or literacy?

You’re too stupid to understand that a bomb kills more than just “the bad guys” but you think people should take you seriously? Really?

Gosh, I love it when people decide what should be important to everyone else.

Your priorities aren’t universal, nor should they be. What ego.

You know that the Stranger is a publication, not a writer, right? You know that they, like newspapers and magazines, have many, many writers? Dozens of people who report on stories? You know it works like that, right? Don’t you? Because you keep talking about the publication like it’s the author and it makes you

Because it’s wrong to try to diagnose someone you don’t know, whether or not you’re trained. Period. It’s wrong. And if you are a trained professional - and I don’t believe for a second that you are - then you would know this, because it’s one of the very first things you learn.

Your username is so apt. Are you fucking kidding us? Or are you Rachel?


Ohhhhh, you’re just a troll who wants to be a victim. Got it. I suspected as much, but the rest of these people gave you the benefit of the doubt. Glad it didn’t take long for you to show your ass.

You heard of Google, buddy? Check it out. You can find the answers to all sorts of questions, instead of demanding someone else do the work for you like a lazy weasel.

Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit sexual predator and should be in fucking jail, not on the Supreme Court.

There, I said what I will about that shitfuck trashbag.

Just couldn’t resist, huh? Your comment is pedantic AND irrelevant, but you just couldn’t resist pulling out your “knowledge” and waving it around.


Animal abuse & exploitation is so entertaining. This baby will never know life outside of horrifying captivity. Maybe they’ll keep the cameras on him the whole time so we can watch him slowly lose his mind to zoochosis. What fun! What entertainment!

Why are you all okay with this? Why doesn’t your compassion and

This IS a blog, you festering sack of shit.

All Reese’s flavors and shapes involve child slavery, adult slavery, and animal abuse. Happy Easter, “feminists”.

It’s fucking FRANCES. Come on.

Ruby is my most-hated GBBO contestant of ALL TIME. We called her British Baking Eeyore. My husband does a great impression of her big-eyed moping. It makes me laugh but I still despise her.

Sorry, nope. If someone is convinced to not give a shit about penis circumcision because someone is strident about it, that person is not a potential ally in any way. This argument is garbage.