
Sorry, jabronis, but I’m calling this now: Cavs are gonna destroy the Warriors in the Finals this year. And you can take that to the bank.

Yeah, what Kinja really needs is more commenters pointing out typos.

A generation of fascists?

Never. So fucking awful. The logic is so twisted.

a quote like that, in the context youre using it, seems to imply that all men are capable of killing a woman in the event of rejection.

Your article did come off as pretty snarky and dismissive. Yeah, there’s some truth to what you wrote, but how you wrote it came off pretty bad.

Matt, I've been a fan of yours since before you moved to Gizmodo/io9/whatever. But I have to agree, in this piece, you sound like a hipster ass.

Wow, way to be a hipster ass. There’s a reason people buy “dead trees” and that’s why Amazon is investing money in opening brick and mortar stores. But you’re probably too busy listening to your vinyl records to read and understand business models.

Never once happened to me through 3 360s over 8 years.