
They are always complete train wrecks and I can't look away. I try so hard to not comment but sometimes I get sucked in. I am Maine and we have an unpopular governor in an election year. The comments are amazing and horrifying and I have to remind myself not all of the state is like the crazies on FB.

The comments on all the news station FB posts regarding this are insane. This lovely gem was posted on a local one as the first comment. What the fuck does this mean? People are such assholes.

I think Sam Waterston's eyebrows deserve their own show.

Good luck Dodai! You have been such a strong voice here and you will be missed.

It took a week for our cat to go up the stairs after we moved to a place with them and then he would only go halfway up for another week. He was 6.

He wasn't in a car. He was in a limo bus and those often don't even have seat belts.

I want to know too but I have some guesses. There are only so many local chains.


Now I'm super curious which local this was. Are the franchises local or a national chain? If local I have a guess and I suspect I'm right based on other stories of heard.

Also as the girl who outed Leo McGarry in the first season of West Wing.


I see this sometimes with some of the more popular mommy bloggers/Youtubers. Their kids entire lives are out on the internet and people make weird comments, take photos and create fan profiles and in general are very creepy. I remember hearing someone mentioning they want to breastfeed one of Naomi @ Taza's kids on

I love the let me poke your eye out then we can play move that cat has.

I have been married for over 10 years and from the beginning I said I didn't want kids. About 2 years of marriage he brought it up and I was like "what?!". He admitted he thought I would change my mind so didn't worry about it when we got married. It is rough and he has sort of accepted not having one of our own but I

My ring is also used. The setting is new but the diamond was in my mother's engagement ring and her grandmother's. I had to sign paperwork that it was a family heirloom and not a blood diamond when I got it reset.

Losing advertising money is the only way the NFL will listen. I know this is different but hopefully it is enough to get the NFL to pay attention a bit.

$400/month? That is insane. What is the justification they give you for that?

It's been interesting to me the people on my Facebook wall who are suddenly proclaiming love for OG. Some very strong opinions of support from some very surprising people.

Basically Thicke is setting Williams up to take the plagiarism fall for him. Even more of an asshole than previously imagined.

You're a beet. Clearly you are in on this plan.