
The SATs were the morning after my junior prom, I was getting a cold, and very allergic to the chalkboard I was sitting next to. I did not do well. At all. Like embarrassingly so, and I'm not sure how I got a college to even take me. That test does not indicate my intelligence or my ability to work. Especially not a

I'm pleasantly surprised Sarah Hyland being groped was taken so seriously. If this happened in the US do you think it would have been?


I'm amazed he also didn't say she was asking for it. I mean you know how 5 year olds can be.

Three children. This one is the oldest. So sad for the family.

When it is reported someone died from a gunshot I understand the story just fine if I don't know it was to the head. My reading comprehension is just fine and I can work out the details for myself. If you can't well that is your issue.

No, but not every detail has to be reported. It isn't really relevant to his death.

Very sad. I heard he has small children too. I think it is really tacky they are reporting the condition he was found in. Drug overdose is one thing, but to report he was in the process of injecting rubs me the wrong way.

Didn't you know if small children don't know about different types of families all gay people just disappear?

My university canceled classes almost every snow storm over 6" because it was 75% commuters, in an area with almost no public transportation. It happens.

I had it last year. Luckily for me it came right when I got home from vacation. I was miserable and my doctors office told me not to come in. The amount of work it was to clean the house afterwards was incredible and it was a miracle my husband didn't get it.

Greek yogurt is great.......for face masks. It is gross for eating. Mix some honey in with plain greek yogurt. Slather it all over your face for 15 minutes. Wash off and your face will feel amazing.

What did it say before? I'm sad I missed it.

A local news station posed a question this weekend about whether there should be concern about the safety of Olympics. The general consensus was "no". Some reasons given were: because the government of Russia is much more trustworthy than the US, this is a manufactured political drama, and that people have a choice to

When you google it lots of people have gotten but no one seems to know what it means.

Twice my husband has gotten this one.

In some more rural areas the rules are relaxed. Could they have been from outside a city?

I agree completely. I am not against fur/leather but this seems crazy.

I actually have strong feelings on this. I never insist a child hug/kiss me even if the parents ask. Even small child have a sense of personal space and should have some control of being touched. If they are okay with that touch they would do it.

Sometimes PBS combines episodes so the UK version has more but the seasons are roughly the same length total. Also the big thing you are referring too happened in the Christmas special.