
If you order takeout in terrible conditions, you are a garbage person. End of story.

I love the Seahawks bashing. It just means our long-shitty team is finally relevant.

they don’t

And that’s why in Quebec, winter tires are mandatory from December 15 to March 15.
Some may say this is government intervention.
Most will agree this is common sense.

Are we driving a 7 speed today or is 2 4th gears a new thing?

Here’s what I don’t get, since you brought up Dennis. The Vane was always a weird fit for Gawker. But he was a talented writer and his articles got pretty good responses. So why can him? Why didn’t they just move the Vane under Giz? It would’ve made more sense, thematically, since technology allows us to do any kind

I <3 U Oregon.

“I hate how much Iranian aggression makes people think Iran is aggressive.”

But enough about what Big Ben likes to get up to in public restrooms, how’s he gonna get ready for the game?

I came here for this. It should automatically be placed at the top of the thread instead of having to look for it.

I did too! A couple of my coworkers were like “Bowie, still?” “Yep! Just celebrating over 50 years of musical excellence!”

Bro, do you even lift? I mean come on, I bet you only go to the gym once a day. Real bro’s go three times a day son. It’s three square gym sessions a day. God I love steroids!

I feel this is a reasonable price, for what is probably a pretty good product that would work well for many Americans. Therefore, allow me to be the first Jalop to say the following:


I would like to know why this is top center on Jalopnik. If I really wanted bikes, I’d be reading Lanesplitter.

How to toot your own horn.

I don’t want to live in a world where a minivan is the headliner of an autoshow. I bid you good day.

I was just going to say a guac recipe with no lime is bullshit. And gross. And gonna be brown real quick.

Agreed. Lime is a must have for both acid and avocado preservation.

You don’t put lemon in guac anyway unless you don’t have lime. Not having any acid is a huge mistake though; it’s absolutely necessary to cut the heaviness of the avocado.