get rid of the constitution ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  

I know it’d never happen because of the “marketing potential” but I wouldn’t have had any of the original cast in this new trilogy at all. I would’ve had this story set 100 or 200 years in the future. Having all this stuff take place 30 years after the first trilogy and then seeing all the original heroes be bloated

not a great feedback system when the choices are limited to two parties, and the candidates put forth by those two parties aren’t exactly the people’s choice. Not to mention things like life-time appointment positions on the Supreme Court.

he certainly didn’t reverse ICE, he ramped that shit up.
also failing to prosecute the bankers behind the great recession, not a great look. The military actions in the Middle East? Not great either. 

holy cannoli dude, that’s top tier GIF work

y’all need a union

have fun with “real democrats” like Joe Manchin. Get a fucking grip.

I’m sorry your shitty Tuesday night dinner was ruined while people we’re protesting the detention of children who are being ripped from their parents and kept in fucking cages.

hey man, you’re trash. have a nice life.

hell yea. If you dig this, check out the Felte Records youtube page/website, they released this record and a bunch of other really great stuff from similar acts. Super recommend Soviet Soviet, White Hex, and Gold Class.

do Star Wars games really have a dodgy reputation? I feel like there are definitely more good than bad?

under Obama, ICE deported more than they did during Dubya’s run. Obama could’ve defunded ICE, he didn’t. Its doubtful Hillary would’ve either.

my limited experiencse with Playstation Now and Gametap weren’t great.

the game might also run awfully unless you have a pretty good connection. I know Playstation Now ran like hot doodoo when I tried it :/

well, its not unexpected, but its still sad. The Vita is great and its a shame it never fully got the support it deserved.

..is that good or bad?

thats because ICE doesn’t care to actually check out your paper work :|

it’s cool but I wouldn’t want a full movie of this. It’s a bit too stylized and music video-y.

3d models will never be as impressive as the hand drawn animation of the original movie to me.

Rise of the Tomb Raider was great despite its awful name and bland story. I’m sure this’ll be fun too if it isn’t a huge departure, although seeing Trinity return is kinda eh. They’re really not great villains.

Press “X” to feel disappointed.