~$4,000 is a steal compared to the other anime statues that have been featured here!

I think Quake Champions eventually will be okay. Arena shooters are niche for sure, but I’m sure it’ll be able to at least match Quake Live’s peak numbers once the game is fully smoothed out (which is a taking longer due to the 3rd party dev. working on the game) and Bethesda advertises it a bit better.

without exaggeration, it’s like 7 people. I got into LB back when the player count was around 300, which was low as heck, but I thought the game was fun. I figured the free weekends would help bring in more people, which it sorta did for like a day or two, but subsequent free weekends had less and less players. By

this ending sounds..bad? The game still looks fun and I wanna give it a go once the price drops, but the ending seems kinda off-putting

what are you going to fuck once we take your guns away?

you could just watch Bob’s Burgers tho

just make it a dang anime.

it beats paying attention in class :P

fellow ‘07 graduate lol. I was lucky enough to have a PSP my senior year, but most of the time I was drawing instead of paying attention.
I didn’t even have a cellphone until after I graduated!

I have fond memories of playing SOCOM Fireteam Bravo on the PSP in the back of my Psychics class lol. I would be all over Fortnite Mobile if I was these kids. Better than Juuling, right?

get rid of shareholders ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

can’t wait to see them all in promo art for a mobile game called like “Age of Kings Hero War”

lol yes

it’s such a small piece of the card, why wouldn’t you just paint that yourself (and not plagiarize it)? The artist behind this may have jeopardized their entire career just to save themselves a few hours :/

The first thing I would do if I was that guy would be throw away every shirt I own. I’d be showing that shit off 24/7.

it’s cool how expensive rent is these days that most people are like “yea this shoebox is actually pretty reasonable for $600 a month!”

worth mentioning, but Trumps brother is on the board of directors for Zenimax.

thats a whole lotta work for something a ROM will do.

Way of the Samurai had a black dude and 4 featured a bunch of Europeans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

the last respectable Games Journalist, the gamepro 5.0 guy.