oh hell yea

I would never buy it, but that’s some really nice packaging, love the design. 

everyone needs to log off. The internet hasn’t been cool since 2004. 

“Soviet actors” ? The Soviet Union hasn’t existed for 27 years :|

You can stare at this great box while you play this terrible game!
But really folks, pick up Fire Pro Wrestling World, which is available now on PC and next month on PS4 :D

hell yea. Gunna buy Dead Cells now. 


well that’s good to know, maybe it should be added to the article

Even though I voted for Virgil, Felix is the most handsomest dryboy

he’s from the Mid-West

there is no alt-left. please stop. 

House music is great what are you talking about >:(

yep, people who want free healthcare/education for all and want to end state brutality towards marginalized people (and everyone else too) sound EXACTLY like people who want to ethnically cleanse the country. Exactly the same.

how are they harming “progressive” causes?

It’s so weird, I kinda hated it when it came out (I was also like 12 at the time), but now I argue it’s the best in the series. 

lol this is great and it’s absolutely weird to see people talk about Chapo outside of Twitter. The clip of Will and Virgil on RT with Jesse Ventura is even more surreal though. 

it’s great but if the title is off putting to you, the rest of the podcast probably will too. I don’t mean that in a shitty “oh are you TRIGGERED!?” kinda way, but that is sorta the humor you can expect.

Episodes are about a hour long though, so you can always check it out soundcloud and judge for yourself. 

RIP in Peace Friday the 13th : The Game. I guess Dead by Daylight wins the asymmetrical-multiplayer-horror-game wars.

I know thats definitely the case for PPV/Sporting Events, but I’m unsure regarding videogames. 

or just embrace it, no caveat. Our current crises will repeat unless we truly challenge our underlying systems.