It’s incredible how shitty people are. It takes like 0 effort to not be a complete and utter piece of shit. Don’t be a piece of shit.

I’m actually kinda bummed out by this :/

well the multi-tiered stuff looks neat at least.

This game looks fun and I love the concept, I just wish the actual art assets were a bit more polished/refined. Maybe that’ll change as development continues?

I knew society didn’t appreciate the hard work artists put into their creations but damn!

guillotine, guillotine, guillotine

I loved the Kaiji anime series, but I couldn’t keep up with this one since I don’t really know much about mahjong, but I’m still a bit curious to see how this manga ends.

I’ve had this happen a few times :’(

but it at least looks neat.

The PS4 one? I don’t recall it being a PS+ game but I could be wrong.

Rime looks alright, but I think I have it from some random Humble thing already.

I cant imagine Killzone Shadowfall or w/e being any worse than the other games in the series, and at least The Order has a sorta cool premise to it.

I..I missed it :’(

gawddammit I think I missed it somehow :’(

from the sounds of it, The Order has mediocre gameplay, but it still has a cool world/ nice graphics worth checking out, so I wouldn’t mind it for free

I meant Infamous 2nd Son, was that on PS Plus?

Knack??? KNACK!? MOTHER FUCKING KNACK!? Why can’t they give us The Order or Killzone!? >:(

right, but the ernie hudson character has two color eyes when everyone else has one. He too, should also have one color eyes as to fit in with the rest of the cast.

that actually kinda looks better to me? The in-game is obviously of a lesser quality, but it resembles the top photo more.