you’re probably right, but they could’ve just made them entirely black and it would fit in stylistically lol.

why do they all have one color eyes except Zeddemore, who has maniac eyes?

this week in bad decisions: releasing your fighting game the week after DB Fighterz comes out :|

the character names were pretty awful. One of them is called “Gadget” o__o

realistically, if the game failed and never had a huge playerbase, why would anyone else consider buying it/ continue operating it?

I was about to type “ see thats why you don’t buy anything in an online only game” but they’re refunding all purchases, so that’s cool.

this isn’t a photo-referencing issue, it’s a how it’s drawn/colored issue. Sure, the faces are lifted straight from movie scenes, which is a bit odd, but what’s really making it noticeable is the complete shift in art style, where 75% of a drawing looks like standard comic book fare, and the other 25% being this weird

I just want another Dragon Age game as good as the first one, or a new single player Star Wars game :’(.

First of all, thats one heck of a username. Second of all, hello fellow New Jerseyan!

without googling this (at work), I’m pretty sure the people (investors) running TRU at the moment are pretty much banking on the stores failing.

other games I own?

I’m praying that one day we get an art book collecting all the amazing ship designs and graphic design stuff from all the games.

it certainly did, and I guess its hard to say since more figures haven’t been announced yet, but there are other 3rd party characters (Solid Snake) that are just as important, so its weird to see all first party characters and then Heihachi, who hasn’t been exclusive for awhile.

100% on board for the Feisar ship.

sorry not sorry

“we have delivered 52 Vic Viper units to Norway” - President Anime

I wanted to get the PS4 remaster, but I’ll probably pick this one up instead now.

I hope no one steals your computer x__x

shit posting is fun and all, but suing over what seems to be a virtual joystick in a mobile game seems incredibly ridiculous.

if all jobs are low paying or non-existent, it just makes sense to guillotine the rich