Yea, I felt like the gunplay felt way out place in the game too. The game only gave you two non-lethal guns too, which seemed strange to me. Marcus did not strike me as the kind of person that goes around murdering everyone.

As cheesy of a movie as it is, I felt like the game needed a story similar to Hackers, where

yeah I think I read somewhere that it’s an FPS focused on duel based gameplay (1v1) or something like that.

Loved the characters of WD2, although I do wish the story was better, it never quite seemed to kick into gear.

We’ll here’s how I feel about Loot Boxes :

so I’ve only recently gotten into watching Twitch stuff, but I thought it was specifically for video games??

the PSP had a pretty dang solid line-up...

wellp, it’s time to get a Switch I suppose.

I liked Smackdown 2 on PS1 a lot back when it was still a new game. The recent games are just bleh though.

IGN gave DOOM 2016 a 7.1. IGN can get effed.

yes! yes! yes! I’m glad a big publication is finally calling out this franchises on-going subpar quality. Year after year it’s just the same game, bad graphics and weird mechanics and all that.

EA killing the Skate franchise is still such a weird move to me.

Now playing

It’d be nice if I could edit the original post x__x. This is about the 3rd game mostly, but they mention the first as well

what a dang bummer, and I just watched a video about the Dead Space series and how the EA higher ups messed with the series’s intended vision :/

if I were a dang teen, I totally would, but I just don’t have MMO hours these days (unless FF14 doesn’t require much grinding, I’m pretty much only familiar with 2005 WoW)

this is the strangest Flappy Birds spin-off yet

this is so cool looking, but not as cool looking as a new FFT game (ಠ_ಠ)

but really this looks neat. I’ve installed FF14 twice but never actually played o__o.