just more evidence the internet was a mistake

they want you to get the SF2 re-release on Switch

did he win tho?

this you

If you’re asking “ should I keep these?” the answer is probably no.

cutting up cover art for a scrap book is just plain evil O__O.

to be fair, Capcom was still releasing plenty of new games while all those RE4 ports were happening

I was just thinking about Outbreak the other day. To explain how I did online play with my friend, I had to unplug my modem from my families PC (only 1 computer in the whole house at the time!), drag it to where my PS2 was, hook it up, get a game going with my friend and then call him over my families LAN line just to

Listen, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and opinions can’t be wrong.

remove voice chat and give people 3 emotes to work with, and then maybe sell a fourth emote as DLC, trust me, I am very smart.

wellp, this is gunna get C&Ded now, huh?

oh heck yea, I’m waiting for it to either be bundled or drop to like $5.

oh man, puzzle/horror/whatever games generally aren’t my thing, but hearing that Rutger Hauer does VO work for this game has me 100% sold.

I don’t think Splash Damage would support this considering they have another f2p shooter out with Dirty Bomb, but I guess I could be wrong?

I realize the Vita is more or less to dead to big publishers, but I would love this on Vita (or 3DS even).

you can play with cats!? game of the year confirmed already. just cancel every other game at this point.

I actually just started HL2 tonight, it’s pretty good so far (I’ve only gotten to the canal part, just encountered the manhacks) but yeah, HL1's narrative isn’t super strong, it’s good for a FPS from that era, but compared to other, non-FPS games from that same time, it’s not the best.

at this point, are they? Only the first 2 Half-Life games were really narrative focused. I haven’t played HL2 yet, but the first one’s story isn’t its strongest point. It was good for the time, but the bar wasn’t exactly high narrative wise in 1998.

Half-Life 3 will never happen, this is my hot (lukewarm) take.