that’s why everyone should go and pre-order Wolfenstein 2, get some of that pure old-school goodness.

I can’t believe I backed this game, I feel like an anime fan on prom night.

the eBay flipping is bad since so much of the stuff is unreasonably priced, and what sucks is smaller indie/retro game stores just try to price match with eBay :/

yup! LGR is what turned me onto checking out thrift stores for games!

I love hearing stories about this because they contrast so sharply with my thrift store experiences. I always manage to find just like...20 copies of Madden/NHL/whatever and then maybe like GTA3. I’ve watched videos of people finding $3 CIB copies of Wolfenstein 3d and stuff, and I’m just hopping into a Goodwill and

for me it’s just force of habit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

EDIT: just realized this was a repost from 5 years ago and I pretty much made the same exact post 5 years ago as I just did o___0. Is kotaku more or less dead these days?

the only way this gets any better is if they somehow get involved in some sort of lawsuit and have to revoke everyone’s digital copies of the game and recall any physical versions. That’s the last awful thing this entire awful project can do now.

it’s not really a copy, at best, i’d say it was inspired by the album art, but the only similarities are the color tones and the smiley face, but there’s enough elements that are completely different.

Mafia 3. Surprised the game was received so luke-warm by audiences, I really love it so far. The game itself is fun, the world it creates is believable and interesting, and the soundtrack is really great.

I almost bought Until Dawn last week! This is a good month for me.

...this is a feature I didn’t know I wanted until I read this comment.

Raising a shit ton of money and losing is cause worth celebrating for?

yikes, I didn’t realize this was a Kickstarter project, I thought it already had a publisher and everything. Hopefully it works out, I love the concept.

look in your history books were not challenging nazis leads us.

this is actually pretty dang neat, although there really isn’t any games I know of that’d I’d actually wanna do this with (not really a Halo guy).

BJ looks a little....off in that screenshot doesn’t he?

I just got Watch_Dogs last weekend for PC and I actually really like it. Not as good as WD2 in terms of gameplay, but I think the game got more undeserved hate because of the E3 video situation than anything else.

the animation is pretty good, but the faces themselves still look kinda off.

I enjoyed the first one well enough when it was a PS+ game (lol remember when PS+ gave out good games), so I think I may pick this up once there’s a “ultimate all dlc included” edition.