this game looks so damn good. the trouble is going to be finding time to sit down and play this, the majority of JRPGS I play are on handhelds because it’s easy enough to pick up and play whenever.


Now playing

this is the video that inspired my OG post. Everyone involved seems like human garbage to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ couple this with several famous youtubers (and vinesters?) being involved in sexual assualt cases, I’m like “nah b”

because I’m not a racist or a pedophile?

Oh I stole it from Google, have at it :)

I dunno, like all the people I follow for the most part are pretty okay, but then there’s others just make shitty videos and encourage a shitty audience of shitty people to be shitty. Y’know, the kinda people that sincerely use the term “cucks”

oh no, news stories without actual text drive me fucking bonkers, I’m with you 100% on that.

not as toxic as certain youtubers >___>

sincere response: you do know gamefaqs is a thing right? just about every game is covered there. Believe it or not, the genuinely awful IGN sometimes has pretty decent guides too, sometimes with pictures.

goddamn tweens always standing on my lawn with their Markpliers (sp?) and Captain Rainbows

and once again, youtube “celebs” prove themselves to be people we collectively need to ignore. Sure there are a few good ones here n there...but damn yo

hold on...is the character really named Salad??

and once again smart businessman analyst person seems to get things completely wrong. the reactions I’ve seen online so far seem to indicate people are slowly but surely being wooed over to the Xbone while Sony is doing little to keep people on the PS4.

....what exactly makes a gaming console “pro”? seems a bit ridiculous, I mean hate the whole idea of Msoft and Sony copying a page from Apple’s book and with their “S” models, but the Pro gimmick makes even less sense here than it does with the iPad because literally no one is using this thing to do work.

its better than Craigslist!

awww yea. hopefully in the next game we can chat to hot local singles in your area!