never quite got into the story or gameplay so it was very “eh” for me, but I recognize it’s still a good game and it looks really great for a PS1 game.

Wellp, let me just slide in here and break this article’s point over my knee:

the only thing that immediately jumps out at me is 10 hrs of DayZ. That game just wasn’t fun nor was it worth the $30 I paid for it.

felt the same about 8, didn’t care for the story and the changes to the combat just did nothing for me, I havent tried 13 yet (I’ve been playing the games in order veeeeery slowly) but I’m not looking forward to it XD

Is there single player stuff now? I got this for PC a long time ago but I think it was MP only and finding a game was tough.

so maybe the solution is for youtube to allow companies to choose what channels they advertise on instead of nearly nonsensical blanket guidelines that get acne videos demonetized?

I’m gunna go ahead and say The Walking Dead probably demands pretty high ad fees and thats a pretty graphic show so =/

boooo. I was gunna check this out but I hate that stuff.

how is it in terms of IAPs? do we need like “energy crystals™” to continue playing or is just to get new characters and such?

and by posting a Moz video, Brian Ashcraft cements his position as no.1 top dog Kotaku writer forever <3

but will there be a double definitive edition for the PS4NEO / XBONE S?

I liked the Miitomo app a lot at first, but it got boring after a month or so. They need to add other minigames or something

its sorta insta-replay value though. You beat the game once, and now you get an even more challenging mode to play through again.

really? just the name, not the mowing down of Nazis with guns, not the Nazi robots and evil Nazi dogs? C’mon bruh, the story was really good, but at the end of the day you play TNO and Old Blood for the action, just like Wolf3d

hey man, I just wanted to let you know I fully got your sarcastic comment. I don’t know how you could’ve made the sarcasm any more obvious.

reuse assets and create “zombie” enemies so you don’t have to bother programming good AI? sounds like a classy move to me.

if they just sold these zombies game separately I would buy them :/

I was on that train too, but the game went down to $20 and I was like eff it, treat yo self, most of the DLC doesn’t seem that great. Just this and Far Harbor, and I can probably pick them up or a GOTY edition for cheap in a year or so.

Cool song! I’m a big fan of the Bilinda Butchers too :D Everyone should check them out if you’re into dreamy Shoegazey stuff.

hah, I’ve seen that screenshot a bunch of times and just now notice the spear is clipping through the dudes hand. Game still looks gorgeous, and I’m looking forward to playing it in like....3 years. My backlog has no mercy.