golden age were Donald Trump is a serious contender for US President..

6 batteries for 30 minutes of mediocre gaming on the go! I keed I keed

nah the 3 genesis games were great and the 2 on dreamcast were pretty good too.

whats that, you need us to keep explaining the joke? okay, ya see the thing about glasshouses is...

which will probably be a contributing factor to PSVR not succeeding in the long run =/

Is that my boy Anthony Carboni up in dat gif?

wow, I never knew he was paralyzed, that’s pretty crazy. His work is really good and he’ll definitely be missed.

I haven’t, but I heard from a friend it wasn’t good. But the demo that came with FF-0 was pretty well received, wasn’t it?

I don’t actually call myself that...I know sarcasm is hard to detect through text, especially of a person you don’t know, but the double zs shoulda given you some indication

FF15 still looks pretty good to me though, I’m actually pretty excited for it.

I was watching the presser with a friend who is, as us #coregamerzz would say, pretty damn casual, and he was really into Detroit.

pick up the first one too! (unless you played it on Vita already)

Can’t wait, loved the first game. I hope this one adds in hostile humans.

As someone who seems to love just about every zombie game (this, Dead Rising, Dying Light, Last of Us, etc etc), I ain’t complainin.

now I just need friends to play with :’(

really? I heard the YOE had problems, but I never had any issues with the vanilla game on PC, it ran real well for me.

Love Stephen, Cdog is waiting for love.

Kojima doesn’t have to make Metal Gear anymore

I guess technically her shirt has brown in it?

I kept expecting Kratos to get killed in this trailer and it didn’t happen =/