I’m still waiting for someone to figure out how to unlock Sheng Long in SF2
I’m still waiting for someone to figure out how to unlock Sheng Long in SF2
...so it’s overly expensive laser tag?
no no no, you see, you’re getting $160 in value! You’re paying for the value of in-game coins. For reasons.
the “$160 in value!” thing makes me laugh, like no you silly box, your made up in-game currency and characters skins have no real world value.
oh shit Fuse! forgot that thing even existed....what a terrible name.
it started off on 360, but DR2 and its spinoff were on PS3 and there was a port of DR1 for Wii and iPhone so...
that wasn’t pedantic (though this statement is!) nor passive aggressive.
what an absolutely strange response....
we have the ESRB thanks to DOOM and Mortal Kombat, but Manhunt 2 was specifically targeted by Clinton and others, who criticized the ESRB for giving the game a M rating instead of an AO, which is essentially a kiss of death for a commercial release since all console makers and stores refuse to carry AO titles.
hardly. play the game, its no more violent than the latest Mortal Kombat and to appease critics, the game shipped with a filter feature that distorted the camera during the kill sequences, despite a lot of them being similar to those in Manhunt 1, which had no filter..
to be fair, it was less than 10 years ago that Hillary Clinton and others tried restricting the sale of Manhunt 2 and other violent games.
given what animators are being paid, it’s no wonder why no one wants to put in the work. It’s a shame, but so are the wages.
Max Payne... but somehow studios effed that up. Same with Resident Evil, super easy to adapt, but lord knows what happened there.
jeeezus, I love this comment. plus 100 internets to you buddy.
Pssh, yea sure, likely story. Next you’ll tell me that ugly, ugly orange man from reality TV is running for US President as has a chance at actually winning.
as a playa, naturally I will be playing da ladies.
don’t forget the codec that first talks about entombing the Doom Slayer has the boxart from the first game re-drawn in an “old timey” way.
believe it or not, I’m a anime fan and I got to go to prom with “the hot chick” and there was zero punking by any alpha males.
I feel like kids would probably get a kick out of Kung Fu Rider.
definitely sounds like they’re overthinking things, which kinda has always been a problem for the series. Remember the awful English dub we got for the first game?