sheeyit, April/May are looking good for Vita thanks to this, Stranger of Sword City, and Ray Gigant :D
sheeyit, April/May are looking good for Vita thanks to this, Stranger of Sword City, and Ray Gigant :D
port it to iOS so it can be lost among a million f2p games, port it to Android so it can be pirated and ALSO lost among a million f2p games, or release it to install base of 8 million consoles that has a pretty good attach rate and new releases aren’t immediately lost in the shuffle.
I like video games and I like dumb action movies, but I’m less than interested in this to be honest. When there was a 4 minute music video in FP perspective, it was kinda cool (I think it was called Son of Rock’n Roll? it was posted on here a year or so back), but as a whole movie? We’re kinda getting the worst of…
this actually looks pretty neat, the pseudo-3d effect is kinda cool, although the hit detection doesn’t look like the best, I wonder if that’s why it tested poorly.
I think the real reason it’s not being released in the West is because translating all that plot would be really difficult, hey-o!
to be fair, it isn’t entirely GGers we need a better term), some trans people say the character is really poorly written, but I think this is one of those thing were having trans characters is still Like in general, the populous isn’t used to it, so no matter what I feel like there’d be some controversy…
I can still see her butt, so this fix gets a 0/10 from me. There’s no places for butts in my shooty games.
now they can afford to pay animators....they just choose not too :’(
“Are you a strapping man or woman”
these few tweets have some of the coolest animation I’ve seen in years. I wish that 80s/90s OVA style anime never went out of style :’(
SFV summed up in 1 screenshot.
I dunno, I’m a huge DOOM nerd (to the effect that I have boxed copies of every DOOM game) and I thought the beta was fine. The gameplay videos showed that this wasn’t going to be DOOM/DOOM 2, and because Zenimax/Bethesda want the largest playerbase possible, this can’t completely abandon the feeling of modern FPS…
DOOM literally made DM, so it’s kinda always been a part of it :)
ah word. I guess it’s just a difference in taste then. I actually loved that it was a noir story but set in the brightest, most un-noirish place possible, felt very unique. I also loved the color artifacts and on screen text (very Tony Scott), but definitely realize that ain’t everyone’s cup of tea!
I don’t mean this is a snarky/judgemental tone, but have you played the first two (especially the 1st one) recently?
This is kinda why Rockstar took over on Max Payne 3. I love the first two MP games, but the writing isn’t nearly as good as people claim it to be.
she has a house-flipping show now x__x
but do heroes jerk it occasionally?
the internet used to be cool. now? eh, not so much.