I just hope that bullshit doesn’t follow her to where ever she works next. This is some pretty fucked up non-sense.

Now playing

unrelated to Kiefer but related to unexpected country albums, comedian Ben Hoffman (of the excellent Ben Show fame) released a country album under his alias.

dang I bought zombi for PC months ago and never played it and now it’s free :’(

liked it until I realized it wasn’t a Eurotrash mullet. Needs more mullet.

it’s been awhile (like almost 10 years) but I’m pretty sure even in DKR he doesn’t use guns, there’s a panel where he grabs a gun and says something like “this is the weapon of the enemy!” right?

man I don’t wanna just reiterate my post from the Overwatch thing a few days ago...but this is a FPS game, and I just scrolled through a gameplay video and there’s blood and violence in this game...like maybe your young daughter isn’t really the target demo here?

shit, if that doesn’t exist you should think about writing it, sounds pretty interesting.

I have FFXIV and haven’t played because I’m a bit antisocial myself :’|

so this is interesting but I’m not going to watch the video or click the link or anything in case this is like a The Ring type thing and watching the video curses me or something. Cuz this looks like some The Ring type shit.

yo but why did Batman kill so many people in BvS?

if you haven’t tried Shin Megami Tensei 4 yet, get on that. I’m currently playing it now (pre-ordered it, but backlog!) and it’s super fantastic. I also have the other Fire Emblem game but haven’t tried that (backlog!)

thats the 3DS I’m still using and currently playing SMT IV on :)

oh man... Kurt Russel as Big Boss would’ve kicked ass. I know he’s supposed to be a clone, but always thought it was a little weird that Solid Snake and Big Boss had the same voice (but Liquid didn’t?), so I don’t mind a different guy for Big Boss’s voice.

I get that, but man, it just seems like an overcalculation to remove a silly joke that isn’t even prominent in the game to avoid potential criticism. Like people jerk it, that’s something that happens, that doesn’t necessarily devalue anyone/anything, and since this is a joke that’s never in focus (it’s an easteregg

ppl are ppl so why should it be

is it really though? because it just looks like the actual games promo art with text next to it so it looks like a magazine...y’know like actual magazines.

even though this game is cartoony, isn’t it really still just about shooting ppl in the face? Like maybe they don’t bleed or die...but it’s still about shooting ppl in the face, like I don’t think having a magazine in a bathroom is SO much worse than shooting ppl. in the face...

well I haven’t played this ( or probably won’t) but I enjoyed the Telltale Walking Dead games, and those aren’t the deepest gameplay experiences. I can see how a youtube LP could ruin that game.

“you can think you can stop me Sanders? my processor is yuuuge! nobody can stop my robo-wall!” - Trumpinator 2: Trumpment Day.

yep, Skynet confirmed. Time to binge watch Doomsday Preppers and learn how to build a robo-proof bunker in the woods!