luckily the special edition cover looks slightly better
luckily the special edition cover looks slightly better
has Michael Patcher ever been right about anything? The dude is seriously making a career out of mis-guessing things.
do you guys get paid by the hour, cuz then I guess technically every comment made by a Kotaku writer is a “paid” comment.
yeah man, the fact they missed out on the sneakers was like “wait...these people don’t know what what they’re talking about”
“When I saw this, it got me thinking about what drives people to piracy”
in case the point wasn’t clear, your statement was pretty dang ridiculous, judging an entire nation by one game, the same way one could judge the US for the horseshit that is Ninjabread Man, is silly.
“So is this really how far the Japanese game industry has fallen? From classics like Earthbound and Dragon Quest to.......this....this horseshit?”
“I don’t understand the appeal of this therefore it is bad”
this just broke Fallout 4's dialog system over its knee, Bane style.
Prey 2 seems unlikely to me, but boy oh boy I’d be real happy.
all you people reacting to this story are actually violating the Fine Brothers trademark and need to stop, get the proper license from them, and then react, okay?
I too like TT Go, but I really like Dan Hipp and his art style ties that show together nicely for me.
goodness, if your cartoon is only 11 minutes long, surely it can look better than that? It’s like the worst attempt at the Bruce Timm style and they decided to run with it x__x.
he found his new hobby of model ship building wasn’t nearly exciting as he once thought, so he decided to return to the office and record some new Joker stuff.
I guess they could add in “F2P”
some of the most famous Westerns are technically European films o_o
what good is this anyways if no one shouts “Arena!” at the start of it?
I know games over in Japan (and maybe Asia proper) cost more, but paying $90 for a digital release is ridiculous, like how CoD games cost $60 on Steam,PSN,etc. Digital games should always be slightly (at least) cheaper than full retail.
I haven’t played 5 yet, but 3 and 4 both have “story catch up” things, so you can pretty much up jump in with any game, watch the catch up, and continue. the American release of 3 does have some cut content, but its still worth playing, so if tracking down a copy isn’t too expensive, I guess start there.
it’s been in like early alpha for like 2 years now. I knew the game wasn’t completed, but I’ve played early releases before, generally they have the core mechanics working more or less, when I tried DayZ, the zombies were nothing but glitchfests, clipping through walls, floors, teleporting, etc.