well its a tough sell to high school kids because they need $180 to $200 for the console and then at least $60 for a memory card and then $20-40 for whatever game.

that was probably closed door dealings between Nintendo and Capcom. Nintendo new that was a huge franchise and probably offered up a lot of money to secure it.

The only thing I’ll disagree with is Uncharted Golden Abyss being shoddy. It’s not as good as the console Uncharteds, but its still pretty good.

I liked Killer is Dead more than MGR ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I seriously LOLed at the $10 price drop. the worst part is it’ll probably sell too XD

coding can be outsourced to places like India/China though. A lot of VO work can’t for obvious reasons, so this situation isn’t so easy to solve for the programmers.

hoooooly shit that was fantastic. they need to hire these ppl for every role possible

typical sasquatch sexual exploitation from a major media outlet.

1.Buy a normal PS4 and 1TB hdd

wait why isn’t there more? there’s so much more, there has to be.

completely forgot I even backed this game too. That’s pretty shit that its gone to PvP, I guess its basically the Banner Saga now?

I didn’t know who this guy was, but dear God, I want to be him so bad. Look at how cool he is, his polo isn’t buttoned, he’s mimicking Flo Rida hand movements, and he’s wearing sunglasses in-fucking-doors

this is like our Deadwood.

talking about Boston crime movies and not mention The Friends of Eddie Coyle?

so in other words this guy is gunna pull a Warmachine and nearly kill his girlfriend soon?

this game looks cool, but Steam reviews are mixed, most citing the difficulty being randomly spikey (super easy battles and super hard battles for random encounters)

instead of wearing chain links, the prisoners can wear chained fedoras.

Frank Millers Sim City would be interesting to say the least

well that and the fact that I believe it’s set in space prison :P

one for each hand, solid plan :)