bummed that its skipping the Vita, but not bummed that we’re getting the game at all. so i’ll just stick with a neutral face :|
bummed that its skipping the Vita, but not bummed that we’re getting the game at all. so i’ll just stick with a neutral face :|
is Kazuma finally going into space?
good to see a new KoF title..but I dunno, sucks that its not more of a 2d look (ie GG Xrds 3d models that look 2d)
first time for everything?
no Alex raises a good point. There’s an entire generation of mobile games pre-dating smartphones that have more or less disappeared. as lame as a lot of them were, it’s kinda crazy that people can’t revisit those games.
cool beans, I’ll check that out
I got it for 18 bucks, super don’t regret it. it may not be the best game ever, but it definitely scratches the itch of a Mad Max game and its fun! (so many reviewers seem to miss out on that point...)
i was thinking about this the other day, and I honestly think a tightly wound, linear Mad Max game that was more cinematic like Uncharted would definitely be worse. The fun in MM definitely comes from the car combat, and I don’t think a more linear game would allow for much of it.
unrelated-ish, but I was actually just playing X-men Legends 2 a few weeks back with a bunch of friends. Its surprisingly fun, shame the only recent game I can think of thats sorta similar (multiplayer arpg) is Gauntlet.
Bugs Bunny is Larry David?
hold the phone...there’s Gundam papercraft!?
all accounts make it sound like it didn’t exactly succeed.
the comic about a guy working at/with City Hall isn’t exactly as thrilling as the comic about a guy dressed up as a bat punching people in the face...
good read, but the article says they don’t really know the long term effects and it hasn’t really solved poverty.
Not to get too serious about something that was just for lols, but just throwing money at things doesn’t really solve problems from what I can tell.
I’ve been using a controller, I can’t imagine driving is very fun with kbm based on past experiences with other driving games.
if you have a gaming PC, this game can be gotten reeeeeal cheap already. Definitely makes the choice easier (and for what its worth, I’d say yesyesyes)
my review of Mad Max : if you enjoy video games and you enjoy Mad Max, you’ll probably enjoy Mad Max the videogame.
I’ve been really enjoying the game, don’t regret the $18 I spent.
people need to realize Apple isn’t in competition with anyone. They can sell anything thanks to brand recognition at this point (I know Apple Watch sales are meh, but I bet it outsells most smartwatches).