oh shit, I didn’t know this.
oh shit, I didn’t know this.
the only season pass I bought was for Alien Isolation because I got for super cheap, maybe like $6? Dying Light has been good with free updates though, I’m not even sure what you get with the season pass beyond this pack and the trials thing.
you know whats crazy, I played through Dead Island 3 times, and Riptide twice, but never actually tried the “analog” melee.
I mean if you dont mind used stuff, eBay is always great. Glyde has it for about $28 on PS4.
this is true, and as a kid, you bet your sweet butt I loved violent media (still do!), but I think I always kinda realized, y’know, John Matrix killing an entire army to save his daughter was a bit unrealistic and not an actual way to go about solving problems.
I’m cool with this. And it’s sorta sad that there probably won’t be any US equivalent of kid’s characters delivering anti-war messages =/
thats much nicer, but I guess its too obvious?
my buddy Alec Morgan drew Midnighter #2, so yous should buy that :)
still not the platform I want it on ┌∩┐
but are they even sexy? they look lemmings with boobs and then random Doom sprites kinda spliced in.
I was playing through 90s/early 00 FPSes and I got to Daikatana, and after reading so much about it in Masters of Doom, I had to try it.
I don’t even know anymore. I haven’t for such a long time.
not only is Daikatana a really bad game, it’s also super broken. I was trying to play through it last summer and the game constantly crashed when I shot people, which is sorta ironic given its a FPS.
I’m into it in a sorta “so bad its good, b-movie” kinda way. It’s just absolutely cheesy, so I love it, but I’m a weird-o, so...
unrelated but related; I wonder if they’re gunna change the Quakecon name? There hasn’t been a new Quake since Quakelive (which doesn’t really count does it?) and the id games of old doesn’t really exist anymore.
theyre getting anime themed trains over in Japan, meanwhile I’m stuck with NJ Transit trains that can’t even make it to New York in a hour...
Half-Life has a better story, only because DOOM pretty much has 0 story.
this is cool/impressive. but DOOMs better ;)
I feel like this will have the reverse effect and just cause a bunch of otaku to join ISIS now, in seek of moe girls.
...does it really take 2 games and millions of dollars to determine if the 3rd game will sell well?