I was watching this clip over the weekend, it looks so good and I want it so bad. Hopefully it actually gets finished ~_~

I think it’s just the multiplayer aspect on PC. If you want that stellar single player campaign, you gotta shell out for the Wii U version.

I honestly think that’s whats going to make the game. Movies that are so bad they’re good are usually sincere attempts at making a serious, actual movie, and then failing miserably at it. I’m hoping that factor is in play here and we end up with a hilariously bad game.

oh so its not just Akuma with dreads? Good to know, good to know...

I’m a guacamole man myself.

been here since before comments were open to the public o___o.

My guess is that they’re getting paid enough so they aren’t bothering to look for another parent company to host them.

this is where I am at as well (sans Eurogamer), but pretty sure I might main D-toid, since they actually seem to talk about games there....

Right, but leaving the post up was problematic. That was never journalism, that was just character assassination/ accessory to black-mail, and taking it down was the right call. Stephen said he wanted to see debate about it, but there was never any debate, just people telling Gawker how fucked up it was and silence

I was really sad that Stephen Tortilla was defending that Gawker post yesterday. Between the grossness of the Gawker parent company and the really sub-par quality of the posts on this site lately (IE a post that’s just a screencap of Twitter?) I’m kinda just... bleh.

he held a Q+A on Twitter, and it went south real fast. People criticizing Gearbox’s less than stellar results with stuff like Aliens: Colonial Marines, Duke Nukem Forever, and the cancelled Brothers in Arms : Furious 4.

I’m just realizing Kotaku didn’t cover the Randy Pitchford Twitter kerfuffle at all, huh?

it looks pretty neat and I love the idea of mixing hip hop with a western. My only complaint is that the visuals just aren’t doing much for me. It’s got that lo-fi pixel art look sorta like Sword and Sworcerey, but not as well executed, so everything looks kinda bland/too simple.

...what...what exactly am I looking at here?

Pen. Ward stopped being showrunner awhile ago, that could be it.

I thought this was going to be about the new Adventure Time game (Finn and Jak Investigations, which is in 3d)

oh shit is that true?

oh cool, I didn’t know that. Whenever I tried using the TV it just seemed to talk about the weather and sometimes Apathy Syndrome people.

I don’t think photo realistic world is exactly what Sonic games need though. I know this is just a cool “hey check out what we can do!” video, and it is cool, but if this was an actual game? I wouldn’t be too happy with the art direction.

uhm, he’s a blue dude with a ‘tude?