it doesn’t look terrible I guess?
damn, was really looking forward to this, it sounded really good. I wonder if Yager just wasn’t going to meet the deadline? I think this game has already been delayed once before.
Techland isn’t associated with DI2. This is Deep Silver, publisher of the DI games, pulling the plug.
Well the few interviews I saw with the Yager dudes seemed like they were focusing on a more light-hearted, fun first game than the previous DI games (which had the ultimate “IM SO SERIOUS GUYZ” story).
but has anyone made a Michael Douglas mod for GTAV yet so we can recreate Falling Down?
bout to make the same joke :P cheers
context of gif pllllzzzz
Ashley Wood’s dope as heck, don’t hate.
disagree except for MGS4, which has a terrible cover.
I think the only logical conclusion to the GoW saga is the most violent QTE ever where Kratos, with nothing left to kill, just kills himself.
I dunno man, I can kinda always relate with Walter White, Kratos just seems like an awful awful person from jump
PSM was such a cool concept, shame to see it end. Actually pretty much everything associated with Sony and the Vita is a shame. Great console, but just some of the worst support for the thing the gaming publics ever seen.
looks like it sold over 4 million copies (over two consoles) world-wide according to VGchartz.
was there ever any reason as to why EA just nixed the Skate franchise?
I kinda wish they’d just announce a new Skate title...
the worst is all the “under construction” DLC that’s outside, like wtf, ship a finished product.
I remember seeing the first few teaser images and thinking it looked absolutely lifeless. Thinking the exact same thing now. This does not look like a PS4 game, those animations honestly look like something out of a PS2/early PS3 game.
irony is Kuroko’s Basketball over Slam Dunk XD.