I super doubt there’ll be a FF7 remake announced this year.

if they do, I’ll straight up buy you a taco. over the internet.

Sony fanboy (in the lightest sense of the term, I own every other console save for the Xbone at this point) here and I’m honestly not expecting much from their presser this year. I think it’ll be pretty “meh”.

I’ll second this comment....with a vengeance

God, you guys remember Alien Hominid? You guys remember Newgrounds????

this game looks pretty fuckin cool. hopefully the single player is good, because I suck at MP XD

we should probably say “mods”

FUUUU, I haven’t played an AC game since 2, but I can’t resist those goddamn hats. DEM HATS THO.

yeah, I’m pretty meh on VR, but is probably the game to sell me on it.

I was gunna say The Division looks pretty neat, but I remember that’s Ubisoft x__x.

lots of varying factors there, so its hard to say yes or no. you can literally hook up a TV to your PC if you have the right set up, so there wouldn’t be any lag (beyond the TV’s response time).

oh word, wasn’t sure if the TT games were their own universe.

PC over everything unless its an online game and your friends only have consoles.

...this..this isn’t good news.

oh I’m sure the actual end product will most likely be disappointing, but hey, it makes for a good bullet point at a press conference.

thats pretty much the only thing that’ll go over well with fans.

yikes, it’ll be hard for Sony to do the same with the PS4 since the Cell processor on the PS3 is a bit banaynays and difficult to emulate.

so I guess thats like comics’ Michonne? she looks a bit different than TV Michonne. Either way should be cool.

bummer. I guess they gotta leave something for Dishonored 3 though.
