
@Tom_Servo: I think people bitch on either side. I personally like using iTunes for management. But I've got friends who just prefer to drag and drop, keep it simple. I don't think there's a wrong answer. I think the answer is just to provide flexibility, which I think Google's new music service probably will.

@cesariojpn: Wait. You're not serious are you? I feel like I'm the dumb one, because you have to be kidding.

@Dodge2002: It's because you guys are so negative.

@ceeaser28: Not really. I own and love my iPhone and I still think you sound like a troll.

@ortizlgnd4: Thank you for saying this. I'm also especially disapointed in the...eh, "Formatting" of this article. Clearly misleading.

I wish I could say "OMG" "Epic Failz", etc. But the truth of the matter on this one is we're the only ones (tech geeks/nerds, i mean) who would've noticed. And we're certainly not the target audience for this ad.

@atticus679: Thank You. This Article should have been titled"Gizmodo discovers Motherf*cking Flying Snakes"

@kdupree: The Goggles! They do nothing!!

@Hami83: I agree with you from a private business standpoint. But, there are several points that don't make this valid here.

Yeah, Yeah. "Dad of the Year". What they don't tell you is that kid had to sleep in a closet for a year while his dad meticulously got all the angles right.

@Mark 2000: You speak good sense, sir. But the solution is not to hassle the TSA. It's to vote with your wallet. Stop flying. That's how you send a message. I assure you, if income drops through the floor, lighter security will become a selling point for the airlines, and these scanners will go away.

@hostile-17: Optional so far, being installed based on cost and airport size. But Spreading quickly. As far as I understand.

Hmm, a domain name that i bet most American's can't spell. I see this ending well.

@Matthew Weflen: I agree. They have, again (the first time they did it was with Bing) manufactured a problem that doesn't exist to pretend that they've solved it. If I'm staring at my phone, it's not because I can't find what I'm looking for (it's not difficult on iOS, Android, or WP7) it's because I'm looking at

@kake81: I think it's a little of Column A, little of Column B.

@StephenBradley: Thank you, sir. You're both right. That should have been in the article.

@Craigz24: Not to be a dick. But they could sue you for the millions (which they might get because you're guilty and there's legal precident). You would of course have to declare bankrupcy, lose almost everything, and spend the rest of your life trying to finacially recover. Maybe even passing debt (gathered not just

@grimjack28: It get's easier when you undstand that it's a question of semantics and not one of physics. It's just people arguing over how "speed" is measured and where. That's all.

@Bluecold: 2 Minutes? Where do you get your coffee? I can't even look at a cup of coffee from a Starbucks in the first two minutes without my tongue blistering.