Your recipe made me happy but the lack of potato in your life made me sad. This comment was a real roller coaster of emotions.
Your recipe made me happy but the lack of potato in your life made me sad. This comment was a real roller coaster of emotions.
Factually not correct. To dispute this, one merely needs to look in this country where laws are stricter. Strangely enough, that’s where the most violence is. But thanks for bringing up another kneejerk response, always needed for balance in these kind of conversations.
It’s much further down than the oh-so clever “Murica” comment tossed around here with such regularity that it’s often used in Gawker/Jalopnik headlines.
I wonder if he left bad feedback on ebay after the cops disabled the vehicle so handily.
Usually pretty safe with a shutter speed over 1000/sec, except at night.
If it is $4k at 0% and the market is returning 10%; you’re damn skippy I’ll be using a loan on a car.
If you are in the service, I think it’s pretty normal. Those guys don’t make a whole lot of money.
Headline of next article:
Unless your fever gets really high or affects your sleep, people should avoid taking these as they are symptomatic drugs meaning they do not cure what you suffer from.
No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.
My non-scientific guess is that Craigslist is very safe. I’ve completed dozens of transactions on Craigslist and haven’t had a single issue. I know plenty of people that have used Craigslist without issue.
I must be the one of the few people who has owned an NSX and think they’re terrible cars.
1973: Because of a rare genetic mutation that makes the males in the Torchinsky clan particularly susceptible to the lure of unusual vehicles, Papa Torchinsky becomes intrigued (and possibly slightly aroused) at the thought of owning a new VW Golf with the sliding doors.
You have confused Reliability with Longevity. I own a 1917 Stephens touring car. While it clearly passes the longevity test, I can assure you it fails the reliability test.
I came here to say this, because DMC was a mess. He may have been a great designer, and his car is iconic, but the company was just a litany of bad ideas and planning. DMC-12s are a hot mess, with many variants of the same car produced out of necessity. It's not even a particularly great sports car, but it's…
There's no better way to sound dumb than to try to sound smarter than you are.
Lipitor is a cholesterol lowering drug, for that joke to work you want pecker medicine.
My hair looks that fab when I take my helmet off, too.