
I cant stand this perpetual jalopnik love of the NSX. Especially early models. Underwhelming in every freaking catagory it’s a terrible example of what enthusiast seek. Unless your definition of “enthusiast” is one who disregards facts in order to praise something unworthy. The car could barely compete with vehicles

Nobody mentioned this yet?!

For me ... it’s the wrenching. I figured out long ago that while using the upgrades I’ve put into a car is a lot of fun it’s the passion I have for working on them that actually floats my boat.

I was going to comment on the screw ups of the drivers but after the first five minutes I realized I didn’t want to write a post that long ...

TDI ... Nuff said ...

My Volvo S60 gives me detailed info instead of a CEL. Even little things like bulb failures it tells me which bulb is out and where. Low coolant? It tells you so and directs you to pull over. You've pulled over? Now it says to turn off the car and add coolant. It's rather idiot proof and watches everything. Why this

I was pleasantly surprised by the little 1.6 once I gave it some love. The four speed is a big improvement as well.

GA16DE Sadly. SE-R parts thrown on (such as sway bars) however. Surprisingly, with heavy porting the car was actually nsappy. Especially after being gutted and getting the tighter ratios of the 4 speed manual.

I was expecting something more like ...

I built a B13 Sentra Coupe rally car several years ago. It did surprisingly well and was cheap to maintain once I swapped the gearbox for an older 4 speed manual unit. Great car. I miss it :(

I never hear the throttle lift ... ... ... YES !!!

Wow, major cargasm. My only concern is that I'd be constantly fighting myself not to take it out rallying :/

You have to admit ... It's rather impressive that after all that the driver manages to park damn near centered in the space provided ...

Chris Koenigsegg or Nuccio Bertone

We were taught this in Army basic training ... Woo hoo ...

People always freak out whenever I state that the Honda/Acura NSX is underwhelming compared to any car it was designed to compete with. Especially the early years of the design.

1st Gen Kia Sportage 4x4 in a manual - The things will go anywhere, have a tight gear ratio, an unusual ammount of suspension travel for their size, and that Mazda motor can be swapped or turbo'd readily. I've been debating building one for years.

What the fuck does routine maintenance have to do with you calling that Lex unreliable? Of course you have to do ROUTINE maintenance (which includes the timing belt). Not being babied by the previous owner(s) doesn't have shit to do with what the car is REQUIRED to have.

In response to this article ... BULLSHIT. Yes, the owners play a role. However, the quality (or lack there of) of a vehicle by design is by no means irrelevent to reliability. Furthermore, if one wishes to produce such conjecture they should realize that they are also saying that with bad owners all cars become

My snap reaction was "Dodge Caliber Base model with CVT garbage" ... But then I realized that "disappointment" means that I would have to have hopes about it to be let down ... ... ... I will therefor ammend my choice and select the 1984 Mustang GT. I picked one up a while back and was all excited until I realized my