
Let me know when the SS Works CRX is for sale. I will shit a brick and smash my piggy bank for it.

Volvo 850R or a 740 Turbo in a manual. Comfy but very fun with or without upgrades.

That is just one hypermiling technique ... Many people actually use "Pulse-Glide" which means LOTS of throttle ...

I have some feedback coming from my experience in the Army.

If I had wrote a review based solely on my expectations I think it would have read exactly the same.

I'm very curious to see what the real world fuel economy is.

No argument. However, we remember him for a reason.

While he was certainly an amazing designer and engineer he was also an asshat. Of course, this is why the Delorean is simultaneously amazing and a complete nightmare/flop. There's a reason why we remember him specifically.

What does that have to do with the facts from later? I once got a hole-in-one but that doesn't make me a pro-fucking-golfer ...

Or how about don't apply antiperspirants at all (there was even a Gawker article on this). Antiperspirants are actually regulated pharmaceuticals due to their main active ingredient Aluminum Chlorohydrate. Absorbed through the skin, it enters the blood stream and (like all heavy metals) attacks the blood brain

Like this is even a question ...

I can generalize because in my experience the generalization is true. It's not the riders like you who concern me. It's the vast majority of the riders I encounter who are the problem. It's not like I'm saying we need to outlaw riding and arrest all riders. I just want to see some accountability.

Sure, it's you're right.

Awe, made an attempt to look smart, failed miserably, and is now EXTRA-butt-hurt. But don't worry, your classic "attack the messenger" debate fallacy will save you from your own ineptitude.

Oh, I forgot to mention that "connote" only applies when you're implying or suggesting something ON TOP of the literal meaning.

Simply put, NO. Words are given the meaning the context gives them. "Denote" is also the appropriate word because "all" is giving the "expression of the notion" of the word "majority" as is commonly used in the English language. If we were writing a legal document ... Sure. However, within the context of speech (where

If one were to cherry pick photos I'm sure you could also propose a whole host of other ideas. Besides, she is a chick that probably likes cats. Big woopti-fucking-dooooooo

If that's what the contract says that's what the contract says. This isn't even an argument. Especially from a legal standpoint.

Your understanding of the English language is inspiring. In my statement, the adjective "all" is used to denote a majority and not the literal definition "the whole of". This is of course besides the fact that any rebuttal would assume that you are more familiar with my experiences than I am. When making

Your understanding of the English language is inspiring. In my statement, the adjective "all" is used to denote a majority and not the literal definition "the whole of". This is of course besides the fact that any rebuttal would assume that you are more familiar with my experiences than I am. As to your analogy of car