
If the world were just, Trump wouldn’t be POTUS in the first place.

I think even better is if no one but Fox/Brietbart types show up and every other network and news outlet completely ignores the event. Trump is the kind of thin-skinned narcissist who would blow a fucking gasket that he wasn’t on the front page of every newspaper, was the lead story on every broadcast, and wasn’t the

This man is a fucking thin skinned coward. I sincerely hope the Press goes through with it, using the most awful mock-up dummy of Trump they can find, sitting on a chair.

Yes. Good thing the guy running the White House doesn’t need a safe space, like us whiny triggered libruls.

If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.

You know, I actually realized a weird thing the other day. While the Bernie-crats have solidly claimed the “more progressive” mantle, everyone I know who supported/still supports that wing is actually way more conservative than me. So, I mean, you do what you gotta do but look around sometime and maybe give some of


So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.

Kim Jong Orange, like most despots and tyrants, lacks the ability to laugh at himself.

They should invite Hillary too. She did win the popular vote, after all.

Hell, go all out and have Alex Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.

Yup, and gotta love how they disregard the words of the politicians they actually *like* when it doesn’t go their way. Newsflash, yall: Bernie united with Hillary, Ellison is already standing with Perez, but keep on telling yourselves that you’re soooooo much smarter than the politicians who you were in love with two

Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.

They chose a moderate Dem or was that all they had? People-get involved in your state parties and either run or encourage others to run.

This! It makes me so pissed how so many people have declared Bernie (and therefore whoever he taps) as the best of the party. Have any of them seen him do an interview on TV lately? What letter do you see next to his name? It’s not a D. It wasn’t okay for Bernie to use the party’s money and contacts to run for

They don’t. They used this election to be a proxy battle between Bernie and Hillary. It wasn’t. Frankly, I did not want a chairman who already had a full time job (US Representative). Had Ellison been willing to quit his job and dedicate full time to the DNC, then I would be fine.

Except Perez isn’t a centrist, idiot.

Jill Stein who may or may not be on Putin’s payroll.

Gotta love spite  white voters.