
I was like this for a couple of weeks after the election and then again after the inauguration. I try to keep myself busy at work and have taken to avoiding the urge to check twitter/Facebook at all times of the day by listening to audiobooks while I work, which helps me concentrate and actually get anything done.

What hurts so much for me, is that the GOP is willing to go along with him, because he’ll rubber stamp the legislation they want. I really hope the dems push hard in 2018.

Get your friend a tape recorder

The trick is to set aside a portion of your day for the news, and to live your life the rest of the time, refusing to engage in politics. If it helps anyone, I’m running a site where I summarize the important news regarding the administration at the end of each day, so you can just read the highlights from the day,

To be honest, I can’t stop paying attention because I’m an American Indian and I have a Hispanic last name. It’s a matter of survival. I need to know when they’re coming for me or mine.


This is me. I’ve been a news junkie my whole life and made it through 8 years of Bush, but this? Fucking Christ. I want to become a hermit.

SAme here. I’m in my second quarter at school, and I’ve been completely useless. I alternate between massively consuming news and sinking into deep pits of anxiety and depression. I am seriously worried about my grades at this point.

um, don’t you mean unpresidented?

Ok you all: I have a problem. I really have not been able to do anything else except surf the news since the election. Some people I know have decided to shut it out (one told me yesterday that the “news isnt gonna get better for four years” so I might as well tune out and save myself the heartache) but I can’t do it.

Um, which dictators were they hiring and where were they planning to put them?

seem to me, unless dictators interviewing him, is Putin going to be there?

I have a good friend who is a member of Mar-a-Lago. I can confirm all of this. The access being granted to these men and women is absolutely, completely unprecedented.

Wait, why is he interviewing dictators for a position in his cabinet?!?!

Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”


How are you supposed to feel when you see a bigger bully push a smaller bully around?