
That’s not how it works any more. The accuser no longer has to provide proof of the accusation. The accused has to provide proof it isn’t true.

Nazi Bannon has been very clear about why he is “all for them being in the White House”: because Trump is a means to an end for him. Trump got Nazi Bannon where he wants to be. “Trump is a ‘blunt instrument for us,’ Bannon told Ken Stern for Vanity Fair last summer. ‘I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.’”

This. People need to stop calling it “white nationalism”.

Yeah, I really wish the media would come out and say “Nazis.” Alt-Right makes it sound nice and cheery, but at the end of the day: Nazis.

He’s Trump’s Rasputin, and I hope he suffers the same fate.

What frightens me the most is that white supremacist no longer seems to be a pejorative term (to them). A couple of short years ago, it was beyond the pale. Now they wear it like a badge of honour.

Democrats should make this a thing. Remind everyone, night and day, that Steve Bannon is a white supremacist. Remind everyone exactly what the implications of that are. Don’t sugar-coat it, don’t sex it up or couch in polite terms, just remind everyone what it was like for non-white people during the 1950s when you

and here goes time magazine


Bannon is Jabba the Nazi.

Yes! Call them by their names! We need more people who are unwilling to be vague or talk around the problem: White supremacy. White nationalism. Bigotry. Homophobia. Islamophobia. Religious discrimination.

The media won’t. You how the exchange goes:

Fuck yeah, Nancy.

More like “if it sounds and smells like a steaming pile of diarrhea . . . .”

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.