
Take a gander down to the Justice Department and you might get a clearer idea of why there was no consultation. Homeland Security and the State Department, too. In the week that he’s been ruling by executive order and grandstanding at a GOP retreat, Trump has still not named appointees to fill *hundreds* of positions

What the ever loving fuck. There’s been a lot of insanity in the last week, but he’s now outright snubbing the military alongside the intelligence community. I think he’s forgotten that as far as most officers are concerned, their oath of duty is to the Constitution first, not the whims of the President.

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

Keep fighting! States can fight back. Your individual state does not have to bow down to trump! Make your voices heard locally. Pressure your representatives to do better. To do what’s right for their constituents.

I just made a monthly recurring donation that was about what my 2017 raise was. I haven’t gotten used to having yet, so I don’t need it.

Planned Parenthood got my Christmas money. I haven’t missed a single thing I thought I wanted.

This is actually what happened, I think it needs to be emphasized in the article, and change the click bait title....

Very important to note that by the text of the order, there is NOT any block to Trump’s exclusion of refugees; this JUST says that people cannot be “removed,” which means that people are still stuck abroad. This saves those who were in the air when the EO was signed and who are currently detained.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

A-welp. So much for the small shopping spree I had planned with (part of) my income tax refund. Hope the ACLU appreciates the donation!

If the US border guards ask your opinion on Trump, start reciting the Gettysburg Address, the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, etc.

I never thought I’d see the day that America was banning and detaining ethnic groups again. I’m ashamed of my country and I hope every person who voted for this fucking monster is doubly ashamed. Your cries of making “America Great Again” is destroying the very thing you mean to uphold.

Let’s brainstorm ways to turn the rest of the world against us and increase the success rate of terrorist recruitment! Can anyone think of a more effective way than this? Because that will be coming next.

Looks like the irony is lost on the the Orange One since he chose Holocaust Remembrance Day day to sign his deplorable edict.

Hey Trump you fuckhead, do you want ISIS? This is how you get ISIS.

No, sweetheart, we’re the sane ones. AND we will fight back, and we will win.

And people holding green cards are banned as well. This is Un-American.

I disagree. The years of inconveniences I have experienced flying in and out of JFK are absolutely meaningless next to what this order is doing to its victims and to the values of our nation. Any decent human would not cavil selfishly at trivial disruptions. Anyone who puts blame on the ACLU, of all

Well, this is truly horrifying. Also, if people aren’t being let into the country based on their social media re: trump, I probably shouldn’t leave the country for a while. And I’m a fucking citizen.

I feel like I’m losing my mind.