
Right? Like, it is just doctors who perform those procedures and to my knowledge it doesn’t make a whole lot of money. ED meds on the other hand are a billion dollar industry, I assume.

He really wanted the D.

Mother Nature has ways to just shut that whole thing down, obvs.

No, no. It’s a huge factory farm kind of thing, with overcrowded cages full of beautiful bouncing babies, waiting to be slaughtered by evil sex-having witches.

No. The abortion industry collects dismembered toddler parts they fuse together using black, feminist sorcery into a giant, evil, Voltron baby which will crawl across the land eating Christians as if they were Gerber’s stewed carrots.

I suspect they all have their cues timed and there are enough of them that they will come and go in waves. As a former organizer for a labor union, I appreciate their dedication to the cause. These protestors are giving me life.

Listening right now, two people are being removed for chanting “No Trump, no fascist USA.”

Some of his entire record places his objectivity in question on lots of stuff. Can he just recuse himself from this whole farcical nomination?

This is it, guys. Every damned thing they do that has public access, someone is gonna get dragged out of it. This is how we fight back, by making them see how little we care for the ways they think, the things they believe in, and the things they do. It might not change anything, but if something like this happened

lol, k.

i love this woman.

He is especially keen that Bikers for Trump show up at his shitshow. This worries me. Dictators from Iran to Venezuela use bikers as their quasi-army/security. We are steps away from violence in the streets.

I guarantee you that he’s seething with jealousy at Hillary Clinton. She got exactly what he wanted - she won the popularity contest, but doesn’t actually have to do the job. Everyone hates him and he knows it and he’s still stuck doing the damn job (something she wouldn’t have minded).

I was actually thinking that possibly Melania was claiming she couldn’t find a dress. More likely, he’s heard Melania, Ivanka and Kellyanne complaining about the fact that no designers are willing to dress them, and figured that meant all of the dresses were sold out everywhere, for everyone.

See I think this gets to the heart of this. He believes this. He is not telling a lie(in his mind) he is speaking the truth! (in his mind). That’s why it comes out so effortlessly and often. It’s like the Emperor has no clothes but just ignores and ridicules the little boy calling him out.

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

His incessant need to brag about how he and everything to do with him is just the best or “record-setting” or whatever is absolutely breathtaking. I can totally believe the most important thing in his mind right now is putting on a good show at the inauguration. Not, you know, solving any of the nation’s problems or

Ha! Guess he received at least one RSVP reading “Sorry, can’t make it. Couldn’t find a dress.”

Why would all of the celebrities coming to DC purchase their dresses in the city? I mean, most of them probably live in places like NYC and LA; wouldn’t they purchase their dresses in their hometowns, and then bring them to DC? Some many questions....