
Hello Kinja this is a formal request to change the stars to pentagrams on this site. Thank you for your consideration.

You get all the Satan stars!


We’re definitely Axis of Evil here. The fucked up thing is I can’t figure out who the fuck the “good guys” would be that would stop us.

I’m not giving you the dignity of being ungreyed and thus dismissing you. However to answer your question.:

heil yeah

It’s becoming kristall clear that our pres elect has the Reich stuff.

You know, after the election I thought, “Okay, lets be realisitc here. Things won’t be too crazy, at least not for a little bit. There will be some room to breathe before the Shitlord-Elect takes office and maybe we can all calm down a bit.”. But nope. Every god damn day is one more anxiety heaped on another.

with Palmieri attacking Conway and the absent Stephen Bannon for running a campaign based in large part on racism.

Another plus, we won’t have to worry about Florida on election night when it’s underwater.

Every year after 2014 was also the hottest year ever recorded. And I don’t mean that sarcastically or anything. 2015 was hotter than 2014 and 2016 is on course to be hotter than 2015

And I saw a snowball! Therefore, the planet is fine.

Honestly, she’s a vile disgusting garbage human but I genuinely admire her verbal jiujitsu skills. Big ol’ question comes her way and *WHOMP* she deftly flips it to a response in UpsideDownSpeech. Game recognize game and all that. It’s like her special evil mutant power.

I’m hoping they won’t be successful enough for their names to be used at all.

Notice how she shifts attention from the questioner’s “Trump’s sexual assaults” to the generic “sexual assault.”

That is a very good question that would make an honest woman feel shame. But not Kellyanne, the plucky, gaslighting fascist traitor to her gender. She turns around and shames a teenager for asking it.

Was thinking the same thing. And the world is in serious need of a Lloyd Bentsen.

The other theory about his tweets is that they set the stage for what he intends to do: If he tweets about voter fraud, prepare for the push to restrict voter rights. If he tweets about flag burning, prepare for the push to restrict free speech.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, SHE’S FUCKING TROLLING US! She’s co-opting feminist language specifically to prevent us from criticizing her actual statements. Now we’re talking about Joe Fucking Scarborough when what we should be talking about is the fact that she is struggling with the fact that Donald Trump is Donald